Joey Gets His life Back

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Joey's POV

     I hear every word Daniel says and I want to reply so bad, but I can't because I'm in a coma. I kept trying to open my eyes, but each time I failed to do so. Then everything stops and I don't hear Daniel, no more. Instead I hear my grandmas voice. I know the end is coming. She tells me how pops is doing and how peaceful it is in heaven. Then all of a sudden I am in a white room and dressed in all white. I see a door at the end of the room and without even thinking I go to it. I open it and there is golden streets and might mansions. I know this is heaven. I start to walk through the door, but I couldn't. I felt my soul going back to my body and my eyes slowly opened. There was Daniel, the nurse, and the doctor. Daniel comes by my side and gives me a huge kiss. I missed his kisses. Then he said "I'm so glad you're alive! I love you!" I smile and reply " I love you too." Once I was woken all my memories came back of Daniel, but I decide not to bring it up now. I sit up and ask the doctor "When can I leave?" He replies "I'm not for sure right now, but when I find out I'll let you know. We have to run so more tests to make sure you are good to go." I frown and say "okay." The doctor turns to Daniel and says " I give you two some privacy." Daniel thanks him and the doctor and nurse walks out. Daniel climbs in the bed with me and immediately says "I save your life." I reply "I know,but how?" He explains to me how he killed Cora and how he had his heart split in half and gave a half to me. I start to cry and say "you did that for me?" He smiles and says "yes, I would do anything for you my love." I smile and kiss him. I break the kiss and ask "Did you get your memories back?" Daniel starts to cry and says "Yes." I start to cry and say "I'm so sort that happened." Daniel replied "It's alright. Momma got her wish of being with dad. I'll see her again. Plus I found you again. We will always find each other." This warms my heart, which is half his, so we are connected more than ever. Then all of a sudden Daniel gets up and bends down on one knee. I start to cry. He says "Will you marry me? Joseph Michael Graceffa" I smile real big and say "yes!" The Daniel slips a ring on my hand and he gives me a passionate kiss. I break the kiss and ask "When should we get married?" Daniel thinks for a minute and then says "July 17th." I smile and say "perfect!" Then the doctor comes in and reels me away for more tests. 30 minutes later I come back from the tests. Now I just had to wait for the test results to come back. An hour later, the test come back and the doctor says I'm ready to go home. I sign a paper to be get out and then the nurse takes out my IVs and tubes. I am wheeled out of the hospital and to Daniels car. I get in and Daniel takes me to his place. 5 minutes later we show up at his place. I turn to Daniel and say "I want you to move in with me." He says "yes, I will! Where do you live?" I smile and say "two houses down to your right." He smiles and says "That's your house? I was gonna buy it, but it was already sold, to you!" I laugh and he takes me inside. We make out on the couch. He takes off my shirt and pants and I take off his. He ask if he could take off my underwear and I allow him this time. I'm not gonna describe the rest, but you get the picture. An hour later he takes me up to his bed and we fall asleep. That night I dreamed off me, Daniel, two huskies and a little boy." We are in my house and we are sitting on my couch. The little boy comes over to me and Daniel and kisses us both in the cheeks and says "I love you dads." Then I wake up. I immediately start crying. Then I turn over and see Daniel staring at me. He scared the shit out of me! I scream and he laughs. He says "I got you good!" I pout and say "you pig." He smiles and says "trash." Then I say I want to get dogs and adopt a child. He says "don't you think it's a little too soon?" I reply "No! We only live once and I'm ready for this responsibility." He smiles and says "okay well then let's do it!" I smile and I kiss him. Then Daniel says "how are you gonna deal with Trisha?" I reply with a smirk on my face and reply "oh believe me I have a plan for her."

(That's this chapter! I hope you liked it! Love you pigs! Good damn bye!)

The boy with the dreamy eyes who saved me~Janiel Where stories live. Discover now