Necessary Explanations

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Goten P.O.V
I sat down on the sofa drained out after a hectic workout, after having reached super saiyan two five weeks ago, dad wanted me to make my base form stronger which would automatically benefit my transformations. We had asked Bulma for a gravity machine which could give gravity at least 5000 times of the Earth, and currently I had just mastered 1000. Dad finds it easy, and keeps on pushing me, and I continue to reveal more power. As I thought all of this, slowly I fell asleep without knowing it.
Goku P.O.V
As I walked into the living room, heading towards the kitchen for a snack, I saw Goten asleep on the couch, I've been working him hard. Then suddenly Chi Chi came in and saw Goten, picked him up and put him in his bed. She came down and glared at me, as I was stuffing down food from the kitchen.
'What's wrong? ' I asked her in a calm voice with a stuffed mouth.
'Don't you think you're working our youngest son too hard? He's only 9 years old, and you want to make him into a brainless thug.' Chi Chi said.
No one's P.O.V
Goku calmly replied,' Chi Chi, I allow him to study because of your will. But the fact of the matter is, he's the only hope of the universe. '
'What do you mean by that?' Chi Chi said?
'I know something is going to happen, now that I'm alive, some other trouble making villain will probably come and try to kill us. Goten maybe the biggest assets we have, and much more useful then me overall. ' Goku said seriously. 'I know you want the best, but studies aren't going to do anything if their is no world. His biggest motivation is you!'
'What ?' Chi Chi said stunned.
'You were killed by Majin Buu and he couldn't do anything about it, it haunts him to this day. He'll do anything to make sure that doesn't happen again. 'Goku explained.
'You win Goku, but don't push our son too much in training or I'll have to give you some lessons! ' Chi Chi said.
No reply came from Goku, who saw that his son had woken up.
'Is there anything to eat mom?' Goten innocently asked his mother, who replied lovingly, and gave him food.
'What about me?' Goku pouted, and got a pan on the head.
'You're old enough to get your own food mister, and don't break anything! I'm going out for grocery shopping with Gohan who has some free time for me, unlike some people.' Chi Chi replied.
'Bye Chi Chi, say hello to Gohan to me.' Goku said.
'Oh mom tell him hi from me to!' Goten piped in.
'Goten of course, but promise me one thing, you must rest today. ' Chi Chi said.
'Mom do I have to do homework? 'Goten looked sad, his personality had not changed a bit.
'No homework! Just relax and no training today.' Chi Chi replied happily.
'I agree Goten.' Goku said. 'When you rest properly then your strength increases.'
'Ok then I'll call Trunks over. ' Goten said.
'Sure, why not? Well I'm off see you later.' Chi Chi said and left.

So how did you like it? It's filler but I want to make it look as Dbz as possible :) I hope you enjoyed vote and comment pls! Bye


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