Author's note

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Hey guys listen, my school will be opening from 1st August and I have to go back to hell. Wattpad and basically my pad/tab will be given less time cause I have to concentrate and get good grades or my only source of entertainment shall be taken.
Updates will be slower, but I promise you I will do my best to update as soon as possible. A new short chapter shall be updated shortly.
Plus depression and fatigue might slow me down, with football practice.
I hope you understand , this book in just two weeks is much popular than I thought thanks to the support of awesome people.
I hope this book can be very famous that people even crave for a sequel! Thank you :)

Shout outs to other people:( Definitely check their books)
1) Check out 'Dragon Ball X: King PLAKE SAGA written by AustinD67
2) Check out Dragon Ball FF : The Dark Kakarot Saga write by TheSpokenTruth1
3) Check out my book 'Dragon ball Z: Small Possibilities and What Ifs In Battle. It's not one of the best books, but I don't know just tell me how it is.

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