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'Hey Trunks, can I come to capsule corporation, I'm bored and both my parents have given me the day off?' Goten cheerfully talked to his best friend over the phone.
'Sure why not? I have something to show you anyway.' Trunks said.
'I'll be there in 2 minutes' Goten said.
'Not possi ' Click, the phone was closed.
Trunks quickly flew outside, and began counting. Barely at 25 seconds, Goten was there, a smile on his face.
'Wow Goten you're really become fast.' Trunks said.
'How about a little spar?' Trunks suggested.
'Can I have some food, if your mom won't mind? I'm really hungry.' Goten said innocently as his stomach growled.
'Goten you should really learn some manners. But sure why not. I was hoping you would ask that cause I prepared a feast! ' Trunks said happily.
'Alright!' Goten said hungrily.

(Time skip till eating is over)

'That was yummy! 'Goten said happily.
'Sure was, now how about we get to it,' Trunks said.
'Alright! Let's go!' Goten exclaimed.
This level of enthusiasm from his friends made him tingle, the saiyan in both wanted to fight, one become better than the other, and the human in them multiplying and strengthening these emotions!
'Ichiso! ( Japanese meaning let's go!) Trunks said.
'Sure thing. 'Goten said.
Both transformed into a super saiyan, and powered up to their max in the form.
'Goten your power level, I can't believe it, it's higher than mine. ' Trunks said.
'This isn't even the brink of my powers, I can take it up to the next level too! 'Goten said proudly.
'You're bluffing!' Trunks said. He continued, 'I've mastered 800 times gravity and have seen the gateway to the next, you were just lucky!'
'Oh yeah? I have mastered 1000 times gravity and proof of my power?' Goten said ' Here you go!!!!!!'
Sparks went everywhere and Goten's hair became more fringed and spiky, muscles pumped, and power level scaring Trunks slightly.
'How do you like super saiyan two?' Goten said.
'No way!' Trunks whispered, surprised.
'What Goten? What are you doing? '
'Goten stop you'll destroy the building!'
'Ha- me'
'Goten please stop! You know what fine!!' Trunks began too charge his tree cannon.
'Tree cannon buster!!!!!!!!!'
Both of them screamed out their attacks, bringing out their deep energies to the surface.
'How do you like this Trunks? Goten tauntingly said to his best friend, who appeared to be struggling.
'I can defeat you!!' Trunks replied.
But it was obvious who was gonna win, Trunks began to get tired, and Goten suddenly realised what he was doing, and stopped.
'Are you okay Trunks? ' Goten said.
'Yeah but please don't scare me like that! I thought you had become evil or something. 'Trunks said.
They both began to laugh but it soon stopped as they looked around, capsule corporation was nearly completely destroyed, and Bulma.
'Mom!' Trunks screamed in horror, as he flew to her, she was on the ground, half covered in debris of the building.
He got to her, she was alive barely, pulse faint.

So guys how did you like this chapter, please comment and vote. Will Bulma live? Find out on the next episode of DBZ!


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