Chapter 4: The shower

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Andy's Pov

SOMEONE HELP ME! WHAT IS ASHLEY GONNA THINK IF HE SEES MY BONER?! These questions screamed in my head. What the hell am i supposed to do I can't let Ashley see, if he did he'd hate me! Ashley walked into the bathroom with his head down and placed his clean clothes on the sink with mine. I looked at him covering my erection. I slowly pulled my shirt over my head exposing my ribs and scars from parental abuse. Before i could take off my pants Ashley had wrapped his tan arms around me. "Ash, what are you do-." He had cut me off "Andy, it's ok I'm here for you" he looked down at me causing me to blush a lil. "Andy" he whispered in a sexual tone. My heart was racing and my erection was getting harder "Y-yes Ash?" I said blushing a bright red. His hands moved to my jaw and started to pull my lips closer to his. "I want you" he said sternly. He quickly and roughly pulled me close to him grabbing my ass. "Ashley" i moaned as he slammed me against the bathroom shower wall his lips close to mine as they started to intertwine with eachother. He held me tight and unbuttoned my pants as i looked back at him.

Ashley's Pov

I wanted Andy so bad. As he looked at me I sank into his neck trying to find his sweet spot. I licked around and nibbled, Andy moaned in pleasure again "Ashley I can't take much more, please I need you" Andy said in a soft needy voice. I unbuttoned my pants with his letting our erections spring free. I took his erection with mine in my hand and rubbed them up and down slowly putting my thumb on the tips. Me and Andy moaned in pleasure as i did. "Andy...." i quickly grabbed him and pulled him up above my cock teasing his entrance with my tip "Please Ashley I want you so bad!" Andy moaned. I thrusted inside of him as the bathroom door sprang open "Oh shit" I said dropping Andy and looking at the door it was nurse Jayy.

Jayy's Pov

NO! Not my innocent lil Andy! Tears filled up my eyes as Ashley dropped him causing him to hit his head on the tile and crack his scull. I quickly ran to him "Andy, you ok?!" He didn't respond and he was bleeding bad. I looked at Ashley with rage "WHAT THE HELL?! YOU ALMOST FUCK HIM AND NOW YOU SIT THERE AND WATCH HIM BLEED?!" The anger made my voice crack several times. "Yea I don't even like Andy that much, he was hard, I was hard so why not" Ashley turned on the water washing the blood off of him. "YOU ASS!" I picked Andy up and whiles the blood from his head and tending to his wounds. My poor Andy, I held him close to my body and cried. "Ill get you out of here I promise" i whispered to unconscious Andy. "Ill save you ....."


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