Chapter 11:Oh Fuck No

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Jayy's Pov

My attention was strictly on Andy when I heard the RV door open. Andy's smile quickly faded and he started to tremble. I quickly grabbed him holding him close into my arms as Dahvie looked down as us. "What's wrong with you two?" Dahvie asked us. Andy shook more as Ashley walked into the RV. "That is!!!" I yelled pointing at Ashley.
Ashely stopped and looked down at Andy "The runaway" he said coldly. Dahvie shot a glare at Ashley then to me. "Wait no ..... He's not that Ashley .... Is he...?" Dahvie asked. Dahvie was now teary eyed. I growled coldly at Dahvie my anger for him now boiling "Yes you dumb ass!!! That Ashley!!!" I quickly picked up Andy as I put him on the bed shutting the door behind me. "Stay in here" I ordered andy. Andy started to run towards the door but before he could reach me I closed the door behind me locking him in. "Jayy please unlock this damn door!" Andy shouted. But right now my attention was on Ashley and Dahvie. "Ashley you can't tell anyone about Andy" I said angrily. Ashley smirked and looked at a now crying Dahvie. "Well how about we make a deal?" Said Ashley his eyes still on Dahvie. My blood was boiling at this point but I had to keep calm ..... For Andy's sake. I looked at Dahvie and then to Ashley. "What do u want?" I asked gritting my teeth. "I want Dahvie .... As a boyfriend." Ashely said looking at Dahvie.

Dahvie's Pov

I quickly looked at Ashley. Is this his way of being cute. "Fine" I said knowing Jayy wouldn't oppose. "Well I have a place for us to stay Dahvie." Said Ashely looking at me softly. "We're is it?" I asked taking a glance at a now extremely pissed jayy. "Florida, it's a tiny mansion with six baths, a pool and six rooms."  My mouth fell open. WHAT?!

Ashley's Pov

What I failed to tell Dahvie was that when my ex broke up with me and kicked me out. I sued her for the all the mental and physical abuse she put me through. And though that I got her dads vacation house (the mansion). I looked at jayy my eyes meeting his. I could tell he was angry. "I'm not going to hurt Dahvie." I said to jayy. Jayy looked at the door with a locked up Andy behind it. Jayy slowly looked back at me. "I'm giving Dahvie my phone number. And so help me God if you hurt one fucking hair on his head, I will find you and kill you!"  He was trembling with anger. "Im not going to hurt him." I said trying to reassure jayy. Jayy looked at dahvie, all anger had left jayy's eyes but the hurt hadn't. I watched as jayy pulled Dahvie into his arms hugging him tightly. Jayy's eyes were closed but still a few tears slipped from his eyes and rolled down his cheeks. I turned towards the door with Andy locked behind it, regrets filling my head. I wished I had never hurt him ...... But I couldn't turn back time. I have to live with my mistakes.
Jayy pulled away from Dahvie and went into the room gathering his things. I felt bad for this but I like Dahvie. He cared about me and noticed the little things. Have I fallen for a guy I've only known a few hours?

This is really short but because I've been busy I haven't been able to update lately. I love all of yaw that read this. 🙀😻

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