Chap. 4 DMs

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Adele's POV
After hours of searching and listening to Beyoncé, I finally found her. Maria Kiel lives in Cumberland, Indiana, a small town of about 1,000 people. I can see why she turned to the Internet for entertainment, that is not a lot of people. I get about 20 times that many at one of my concerts. My concerts! Shoot shoot shoot! I'm on a damn world tour, I can't just go traipsing around trying to find Maria in the middle of an Indiana cornfield. They have corn there, right? Regardless, that's just not an option at the moment. There must be someway to meet Maria.

Maria's POV
What the actual fuck? There must be some mistake. I just got a DM on Instagram from ADELE'S OFFICIAL ACCOUNT! They are saying that I won some sort of contest and the prize is two tickets to any Adele concert. I can't believe this. Apparently neither can my dad. When I showed him the message he just shooed  me away saying that it was a scam. I tried showing him that the account was approved by Instagram but he then proceeded to spend an hour looking up how an account becomes approved and arguing that it's really not that hard. Well this is just dandy. I have two free Adele tickets and I can't use them. Did I mention they were front row? I have to figure out how to go to that concert. I will not miss my chance to meet Adele.

Adele's POV
Are you kidding me? She said no to two free tickets to one of my concerts. There is no way that's the Maria I know. Or at least the one I know by stalking her and her friends on Instagram. Speaking of which, she doesn't seem to have that many friends, or at least real ones. I decided on a whim to try and strike up a conversation with her on sashacarter.

Sashacarter: Hello xx
Mariak21: I don't know whether to respond with It's me or with a hi
Sashacarter: haha your a funny one aren't you?
Mariak21: I suppose so. Hey I have a question for you
Sashacarter: alright go ahead love x
Mariak21: are you Adele?

Shit shit shit shit. What do I do now? How did she even figure that one out. Damn ok play it cool Adele.

Sashacarter: ha I wish love. Unfortunately no I am not Adele
Mariak21: ok
Sashacarter: if you don't mind me asking, what makes you ask?
Mariak21: well, a few things. First of all your username. Adele once said that that was her alias. Second, your obviously British by your use of the x and because you say love as a nickname of sorts
Sashacarter: wow funny and smart, you must have boys all over you
Mariak21: no, unfortunately it's quite the opposite. I've had the same crush for about 3-4 years and I'm to chicken to do anything about it
Sashacarter: aw honey well that's to bad. I don't really know what to tell you, whats the boys name?
Mariak21: he's name is Liam.
Sashacarter: aww Laria! I totally ship it ;)
Mariak21: no no no! Nothing to ship here. Besides, I don't even know if I should ask him out or if he even feels a smidgen of the way I do
Sashacarter: well, what do you like to do?
Mariak21: I like Adele

As if that wasn't obvious enough. I know! I can up the tickets to three so Maria can bring Liam. Yes! This is perfect! Although I do fell slightly bad for lying to Maria about my identity, but it just couldn't be helped. I can't let her know of my plans yet. However, I am glad that I got to talk to her a little bit. I'm glad to see that she seems to be doing alright.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~special delivery for sunday_with_sia Thanks for all the comments and votes. Speaking of which, don't forget to do so😉😏

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