My window

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I was eating dinner with grandpa and Grandma since they forced me down here.

They kept talking while I ate my food silently.

"Seohyeon how was the states ?" Grandma asked kindly.

"Fun" I said with a fake smile.
Grandpa looked like he wanted to hear more so I lean in and said,
"But you know what I found out over there ? That even strangers that you barely know can actually become like your very own true family " I said giving her a fake smile as  they both had sad looks.

I put my dish in the sink,"I'm going outside. Don't bother staying up for me"
I slammed the front door and I took a walk but I eventually came back.

When I got home grandma and grandpa were sitting on the couch talking.

"You can't do that to Seohyeon !" Grandma said worried.

"I don't care send that girl back to the states " I herd my own fathers voice on speaker. I leaned against the wall to hide me.

"No! We'll take her with us." Grandad replied.

"I don't give a shit about her. Hurry and take her back before I drag her there myself"

My heart started beating faster as I became angrier. I pushed myself away from the wall and came out from hiding."Fine.You want me to go back to the states I will away from this living hell!" I yelled and went up stairs.

I knew he didn't care about me. He never did.

As I walked to my room pissed off at my fucking family I looked out my window and saw the house across the street... There was someone at the window who had brownish hair. He looked back at me , he did nothing but stare at me. "What the hell?"

I rolled my eyes and closed my Curtains and scoffed.  "that boy.."

I leaned against the wall and sighed.

As the afternoon came I finally went down stairs and my grandparents were in the kitchen and they looked over at me.

"Seohyeon don't go to the states we talked to your father he was just angry that's it"

I scoffed,"angry my ass he doesn't care about me. He only wants me to get out of his life " I landed on the couch eating a sweet potato.

As night came by my grandad was cooking something and I came into the kitchen to drink a glass of water.

"Oh Seohyeon! You know that house across the street ? Do you remember him?"
And I sudednly remembered about that boy across the street looking at me through his window.

"You mean that weird boy who looks out his window all the time ?" I said.

Grandad looked a bit confused but still said,"ah yes his name is Park Jimin. It's so sad... His mother died about two years ago"

I looked down at my hands awkwardly.
"What about the dad ?"

"Left him when he was a kid. He lives alone so be nice "

That Boy ♡ P.JiminWhere stories live. Discover now