Being with him

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I was still outside looking at his house. Great now I'll be the stalker if I don't do something. I sighed.

Finally I decided to call his phone and he surprisingly answered.

"Hello?" He answered all tired.

"Hey it's me Seohyeon" I tried to sound calm.

"I missed you!" He said in a childish way and I couldn't help but laugh,"yah why haven't you talked to me I thought you were dead"

"Got lazy"

I scoffed and he chuckled as he replied,"hey if you want we can go to some place"

I looked at the window and he was there and with a smile across my face,"and where would that place be"

"It's a secret"

"Alright well then hurry up so I can find out this secret place" my voice filled with a bit excited.

"Okay" he said before hanging up. He left the window and a few seconds later he came out rushing towards me and hugged me.

"Missed you" Jimin is too touchy I swear.

"Yah let me go no wonder why Jungkook thinks we are dating it's cause you keep being all touchy" I pointed out.

"Good then I can make people think your mine" he replied back.

I rolled my eyes,"you wish"

"You don't want to be mine ?" He faked frowned. I sighed... No I think.

"So where's the secret hideout ?" I changed the subject.

He smiles at me and grabs my hand an he started running,"wait I have on high heels ." I yelled and he sighed.

Then we started walking again and we reached this huge lake.

'Wow it's so pretty ! 'I said in my head.

He sat down.

He looked at me ,"aren't you gonna sit down?"

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He looked at me ,"aren't you gonna sit down?"

I sat down next to him,"we use to come here a lot when we were little "

"Really ?" I said in a bit of a sad tone.
It was frustrating that I couldn't remember these memories.

He noticed the hint of frustration in me.
"You'll soon remember them Seohyeon " Jimin said patting my back.
"What if I don't ? " we both made eye contact and he took my hand,"then I'll be there for you to help you remember "

I couldn't help but smile. We went to where the street food was and I got really excited,"food !" Jimin was laughing at me but he started cheering with me.

We got some meat and Jimin told me the funniest things that had happened to him and I couldn't stop laughing that my ribcage started hurting.

I then told him a story about how one time Jin had to do a eating contest for some girl he liked and right when he was about to ask her out some kid started speaking English and was giving him high level of sass and how the girl ended up going with the little boy for some odd reason but Jimin couldn't stop laughing. "It's funny I was there to witness it all on camera "

Jimin looked at me surprised,"does he know ? " "nope " I made the bubble pop sound when I said the p. 
We then left and started walking home.

We were only a few blocks away and sudednly my heel broke,"ah!" I fell on my butt. Ah my ankle god damn it.

"Seolhyun, Are you alright ?" Jimin asked worriedly. He carefully touched my ankle and it hurt so much I shut my eyes and closed my mouth screamed mentally.

"I think I bent my ankle"

He helped me up and he bent a bit."here get on my back."

"Wait wh-"

"Don't argue just get on"  I bite my lip unsure about this.

But I got on and he carried me,"am I heavy?" And he shaked his head,"yup you weigh like you just ate a whole fest all week"

"No I don't shut up!" He laughed then replied with,"I'm kidding your really skinny"

'Sometimes I wonder if Jimin thinks about the old me and compares her to me'

I leaned my head on Jimins shoulder. He felt so warm..

"Hey Jimin.."
I was hesitant to ask this question but I just did.

"Remember when you said that I've changed.. How was I in the past ? "
He was silent at first.

"Well .. You were kind . I know deep down your kind you just don't show it. You were more quieter but some how you were also funnier oh and you also were hyper literally everyday"

I stayed quiet.

"I remember one time you and I went to my tree house. I was sad because I had gotten into a fight at school but you cheered me up by giving me a kiss on the cheek and I remember at school some guys were being jerks to you but instead of giving them a piece of your mind you just gave them kindness"

I honestly would never do those things I'd do the opposite.. But he sounded like he missed the old me and it made me a bit sad,"do you like ..the new me ?"

"It honestly doesn't matter Seohyeon because no matter who you change to be I promise I'll be there for you even if you hate me to my guts " he didn't hesitate to answer, that's what made me like him even more..


Sorry it's a short chapter but I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter ! 🙂

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