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"Seohyeon ?"

"Huh!?" I quickly turned around and I stumbled a bit in my high heel boots making me fall a bit but quickly Jimin helped me keep balance.

I pushed his hands off of me.
Why does he have that ? Those pictures and who the hell is that kid.

"Yah I don't care if you call me crazy but why do you have pictures of me " I said in a threatening tone.

He looked at me a bit alarmed,"yah answer me !"

He sighed and said,"you really don't remember do you ?"

"Remember what ?"

"We use to be the best of friends ..actually we were more than that" he stepped closer to me that our lips were only inches apart. I could feel his warmth.

I pushed him but he grabbed both my hands,"let go of me" I glared at him.

He looked at me and I could see in his eyes that he was hurt.

"This is non sense I don't even remember a thing so how am I suppose to believe you?" I spat out.

He looked behind me and finally let go of my hands and grabbed the book.

With his right hand he grabbed my wrist and we both sat on the couch.

He opened it and started showing me pictures.
"Look this picture was when we would always play in my tree house "

It showed me hugging Jimin . Why can't I remember this ?

"Here's another one where we're at the beach and I was building a sand castle but you destroyed it by accident"

It showed a messed up sand castle with Jimin sitting next to it while he was hugging me.

We're we really were that close ?

Another one was here and the picture was token at the park.

Wait that picture.
He was about to turn the page but stopped him,"wait I remember that"
"You do?" I could hear hope in his voice.
I nod.

"I remember that day was when a group of kids had tooken my teddy bear but a boy helped me get it back and I gave him a kiss ..." Suddenly embarrassment rushed over me.

"Yup you did kiss me " he said leaning closer to my face with a smirk.

I touch my lips and I quickly turn the page and then it shows a birthday party ? This is confusing me even more..

"Was this my birthday party ?"

"Yeah it was" Jimin answered.
It shows another boy next to me.

"Whose that?" I said pointing to his face.
Jimin didn't say anything instead he stood silent."Jimin?"

That Boy ♡ P.JiminWhere stories live. Discover now