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This a edit I made of RV Irene photo edit. It's one of my first ones did I do good bad ? Eh whatever either way sorry for bothering😂

Jimin felt better so he demanded me to
go home.

I couldn't stop thinking about what had happened. Everytime it popped into my mind my heart felt like it stopped.

"Aish hajima... Don't think about that stuff Seohyeon. " I lightly slapped my cheek. I snapped out of my thoughts when I received a text from Jimin.

J- hey
S- hey Jimin
J- do you like me ? :)
And when I read that I felt heat rush to my cheeks.
I first put ..s- maybe..
But I soon erased it.
Again I put s- I do..
I erased it making me frustrated.
I then put. S- do you like me ?
I was hesitant and suddenly my finger pressed send making me respond to jumping on the bed screaming in my pillow.

"Aish!Why did I do that ?!" I hit myself with the pillow then I herd my phone ring again making my stumble but rush to it.

It then said J- asked you first pabo
Crap what do I say? Wait why am I acting like this I usually don't do this. God damn it Seohyeon keep it cool.

Then I replied with S-....

He responded with J- :( why do you do this to me ? I smiled at the text while walking over to the window.
I decide to call him and he answers on the second ring.

"Hello?" He answers.

I walk infront of the window and say,"can you come to your window ?"

And right there in three seconds he was there. He looked hot... He smiled at me and waves and I kept a straight face.
I sigh and bite my lip and mutter. 'Can't believe I'm doing this .."

Here goes nothing,"I like you..and yes I'm idiot for this" he had a slight shocked face but at the sametime he had a bright smile.

"I like you too Seohyeon" he suddenly with a mature tone making me smile.

I giggled shaking my head,"So is this our thing? The window?"


After our chat we met at some park and we both say on the swings.

"Jimin can I ask you something ?"

He nods. I looked at the ground feeling hesitant to ask."what hurts more ? Goodbyes or love it's self?"

That Boy ♡ P.JiminWhere stories live. Discover now