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"Bye Seolhyun be good" Grandma hugged me at the side and surprisingly I hugged her back.

"Seolhyun is everything..okay?" Grandma asked shocked.

I looked at her with a weak smile,"I just am going to miss you guys."

"Well miss you too"Grandpa entered the room giving me a hug.

"We promise when we come back we'll hang out together." Grandma reassured.

I grabbed her hand,"Promise?"


"Oh and Grandpa, Grandma.. do you think when you guys come back we can move away from here and let me live with you guys like you guys said?" I wondered hoping they'd agree and surprisingly they did.

"Anything for you Seolhyun. Be good." They both said kissing my forehead before leaving for Busan.

I walked over to the fridge in boredom. I notice a note about some food in the fridge.

As you could hear thunder endlessly I herd on the news It was gonna be Rainy for the next few days,

I don't mind the rain but sometimes it makes me lazy that I want  sleep all day.. I couldn't help but look out the window, I haven't talked with Jimin at all.
It's only been two days since the fight.

Maybe I shouldn't have fought with him..

It's night time and I'm here on the couch watching tv.

I wonder if jimins okay. I wonder if I'm okay...
I lay on the couch and drift off into a slumber.

During my dream I noticed I was in my house except I saw my younger version. She was smiling in the living room watching some tv about puppies. I couldn't help but smile.

"Seolhyun!" Little me flinched at Dads screaming. Little me straightened herself up and looked at Dad.

"What's this!?"
I slowly walked closer to the scene noticing that the paper he threw down was a letter. I squinted my eyes and gasped.

"It's nothing!"

"Nonesense! It's from that boy across the street! You know you will be in a arranged marriage I don't want you seeing him or that Taehyung Noh again" he ordered.

Little me stood and said,"No."

My Dad raised his hand and began to beat little me up. I shook my head in tears and tried to pull my dad away but I couldn't.

"Stop!stop!" I begged feeling tears flow down my face.
Little me slowly stood up despite the bloody mess she was and ran out the door.

"Get back here!" I quickly followed after noticing little me was now in the middle of the road with a car racing down the street.

I widened my eyes hurrying over to her,"watch out!"

I lunges up in the air gasping. I quickly looked over at the time in shock.
It' was 11 almost midnight. I clenched my shirt feeling my wet cheeks slowly drying.

That Boy ♡ P.JiminWhere stories live. Discover now