Saying sorry ?

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Next day

I put on a new pair of clothse.
A gray sweatshirt that had 23 on the back with some black skinny pants as I put on a black hat and some vans.
I decided to leave my hair loose.

It was lunch time and I was eating a sandwich as Grandma entered the room

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It was lunch time and I was eating a sandwich as Grandma entered the room. "How'd you sleep dear?"

I let out a small sigh keeping my head down,"Okay I guess. "

Grandma drank sweet rice water that I made this morning, she then sat across from me not noticing my actions.

"Are you going to say sorry to jimin?"
Did she really ask me that ?

I scoffed,"why should I !? He touched something That didn't belong to him" I got up and herd halmoni sigh.

Plus... I've never said sorry to anyone...

I walked out and sat outside on the porch. I chuckled at a memory I just remembered.

One time when I was in the middle school I got in trouble for fighting with this guy he was bullying some girl cause she was "too fat" once we both got in trouble he started making up lies.

My mom wanted me to say sorry but of course I didn't, right after my mom and I got outside the school building she slapped me so hard that she hit a part of my lip and it started to bleed. And of course it was normal..

I believe you shouldn't say sorry unless you mean it. Cause if you don't then what's the point?

I sighed. I looked across the street and saw Jimin? Petting a small kitty.
Then right when I was about to look away.. Jimin and I made eye contact.

It stayed like that for a good three seconds then I broke it by rolling my eyes. ' I won't say sorry to him. In fact he should be saying sorry to me. '

I got up and started walking to the mall.

I decided to go and eat some rice cakes to waste time.

After I finished I looked over where the pets were and I walked over to where the puppies were. Three were play fighting and I couldn't help but chuckle.
This other one was sleeping and I smiled at it.

I remember when I was little... While walking from school to home I found a lost puppy. It was a cute boy.He couldn't stop licking my face and I kept on giggling. 

He started following me so I decided to take him home. My Mom and Dad found out. They took the dog away from me and my Dad had beat me up for bringing a stray in the house. What a cruel old man.

I smile at the dog and said,"sleep well"

When I started to walk away I saw someone who looked like Jimin inside the store where the cats were ? Nah that probably isn't him. Wait why do I care ?

I got closer to home it was pretty late at night. I was only a few blocks away from home. I nervously ran my hand through hair in attempt to calm down.

I herd foot steps and man voices behind me.. I started thinking one of the worst things that could happen to me at this moment.

Oh no no no stop thinking non sense Seohyeon! I kept repeating to myself.

Suddenly I felt a strong grip pulling my arm. I let out gasp and tried to fight back but was pushed harshly into the wall coming face to face with the group of men.

The one who was holding on tightly to my arm was chuckled. I could smell the alcohol and it was beginning to give me a head ache.
"Hey little one wanna hang out with us ?" And he tried touching my cheeks but I pushed him as hard as I can and it lead to him twisting my arm," ah ! let me go !" I said struggling to get him off of me.

I tried kicking him but he dodged it. He laughed at me for trying to fight back.

He touched my face and I let out a gasp trying to move but I felt so useless.

"Stop being a fuss and -"

"She said let her go " I turned my head and saw Jimin.

What is he ?- how'd he ?

"Who the hell is this guy?"

"Hey you! Why don't you leave or-"

"Or what?" Jimin said walking towards him with a angry face.

"Get him"

"N-no !" I screamed worried. I saw Jimin have a smirk on his face and right there he punched one in the face then kicking another one in the gut as he pushed one to the ground strongly..He honestly looked cool fighting them off.

I noticed one trying to sneak up behind Jimin so I kicked the guy who was holding onto me in his sensitive area and rushed behind Jimin and hopped on the guys back.

"Yah What the fuck are you doing!?" The guy screamed trying to get me off of him. I struggled to hold on longer but luckily Jimin took that as his chance to punch and kick the guy til he collapsed.

I quickly got off of him and quickly leaned gassing the wall not feeling so well.

When he finished fighting all of them
they started to run away. I felt dizzy and light headed. I couldn't keep my balance any longer and I fell to my knees.

"Seohyeon!" I herd Jimin yell and I felt his hands on my waist to help me up.
I looked up at him and he smiled at me,"come on" as we got to our street I sat on his porch looking at the ground.

He kneeled in front of me to check if I was alright.

Jimin saved me...If it wasn't for jimin I- .... I sniff my nose as tears start to come down.

Can't believe this but-

"About yesterday I... " I said words I didn't think I say to anyone ever. I looked at him and meaning the words I was about to say,"I'm sorry"


Hehehe in the next chapter some one else from Bts will be appearing. 😄.

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