Next day..

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Ugh I feel so stiff. I stand up slowly and stretch hearing my bones crack. Sucks that I slept on the floor. I look over at the couch and I see Jimin slowly waking up. I go stand in front of him.

" my head" I hear him mutter
He looks around and then looks at me,"Seohyeon " he says a bit surpised.
"How are you .. Feeling ?" Knowing he's probably feeling the worst since he was so drunk last night.

"Alright I guess" he rubs his head.
I sigh in relief,"good... Now" I grab a pillow and start hitting him with it."yah ! Why'd you drink so much ! You made me go out so late gosh you made me worried sick !"
"Owh owh hajima!" He says and he grabs my arm to stop me.

"You were worried ?" He said a bit surprised and right there I had realized   What I had just said. I pull my arm away.

I sit down next to him and look at the coffee table remembering what I had told him last night. Along with the memory.

"Are you hungry ?" I try to get my mind off of things. And I hear him say yes,"okay I'll be back" I get out the door and bring over te food grandma made for me.

When I come back jimins in the kitchen drinking water.
"Here my grandma made food for me but she made way too much " I pull out the foods and Jimin comes closer and right away he starts eating as if he hasn't eaten in a week.

"Haven't you been eating ?" I say weirded out."little bit" and he contiues eating.

I touch his forehead and he looks at me since I never really touch him."okay your not hot or anything so I don't think you'll need medicine. But you were drunk so I'll see if I can make you something"

I go on my iPhone and check smoothies that help with hangovers.

"Do you have a dry mouth ?" I ask and he nods.
He did say his head was hurting earlier.
"You should Go in your room if you want you can take the food."
"I'll be fi-"
"Nope go in your room here I'll help you" I helped him go to his room and I brought the bag of food.

I went back down stairs to see if I can make anything. I pulled out the blender  to make a green smoothie that should help.

It said I needed so many thing but luckily Jimin had them.
When I finished making it I went to jimins room and he was asleep. I put the smoothie there and left a note saying'it's good for you pabo I don't know how it tastes but it should help you '

I left his room and went downstairs to lay down on the couch. Then my phone rang, I looked it was Grandma.

"Hello" I answered all tired.
"Seohyeon how are things going at home ?" She had her cheering voice on..

"Everything's.. Fine"
"Oh! That's so good listen it turns out we won't be able to come back til another three more days do you think you can be by yourself more or-"

"No I'll be fine I'm too tired grandma. I'm sure your exhausted too. I'll call you later "
"Okay sleep well!" I hang up and try sleeping but my phone rings again."Aish!" I groan.

I answer not checking,"hello?" I answered bitterly.
"What's up with you ?" Oh it's just Shi woo.

"I'm tired I didn't sleep til 1 a.m."
"Oh yeah you had to take care of your boyfriend"

That Boy ♡ P.JiminWhere stories live. Discover now