Rare Emotions

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"Mom dad ? " my breath shortened

They both looked at me. My mom nodded at me and sat on the couch all tired.

While father looked at me . He was about to leave the room but I spoke,"why are you guys back?" I was confused but I kept it calm.

"Why haven't you left ?" My father spat out. I looked at him unfazed.

"I made a deal with grandma and grandpa that I'll be living with them. "

I herd my mother laugh. It made me look up at her confused. 'Why was she laughing ? Did she think it was dumb ?

"Seohyeon I thought you were smart but right now your making me think your stupid "
'Where's she going with this ?'

"What do you mean?" I take a step down cautious.

"Your grandparents are dead "

I widened my eyes dropping the bad that was in my hand. I felt my body become stiff and weak.
My finger tips felt colder. My heart started filling up with anger.

"What are you talking about ?" I pinched myself hard. 'She's doing this on purpose ' I told myself.

"Your grandma was in busan hospital since her medicine was there. She had cancer. She died last night. Your grandfather was in a car accident while rushing to the hospital when he found about your grandmothers death which was around 2 in the morning. "

'No it's not true !' I yelled at myself in my head.

I felt my air become harder. "no your- your lying. Your lying stop!" I yelled.
I took a step closer towards her by I felt someone slap me so hard that I fell to the ground hitting my nose on the wall hard that it started bleeding. "Ah!" I wince quietly.

I touch my cheek that was slapped. Crap my nose.
I looked up at it was my father.

"I should've had a son instead of a stupid weak worthless daughter" and right there I felt a tear fall down.

There was something wrong with grandma and grandpa. How could I be so stupid?

"It's a good think your grandparents left you" he spat out with a emotionless expression making anger rush to me. I stood up having my hands in a fist."you can talk all the crap you want about me never talk about the care about like that!" And right there he pulled me hair so hard I screamed in pain.

"Since when have you cared about them ?" He laughs.

When I was little they were the only ones there for me actually. But my sudden change made me think they didn't and now they're gone...

I felt my lucky braclet ripped off of me.
"N-No let go!!" My father pulled me down and he held my lucky necklace saying,"what a piece of crap" and he threw it at the ground stepping on it hard.

"Stop! It's the only thing I have from grandpa and grand-ma!" I screamed.

I grabbed it and I stood up tall and straight. I looked at Appa and right there took every drop of courage in me and pushed Appa to the ground.

"I'm done with being abused by you guys! I won't lose my memories again!" With that I rushed out the door.

I wipe my nose as it hurt so much.
My steps became heavier and heavier.
I reached to a river and luckily no one was there.

That Boy ♡ P.JiminWhere stories live. Discover now