Chapter 8

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You lay there for 5 minutes trying not to make any sudden movements that might wake her. But she woke up anyway. 

"(your name) are you awake?" she asked,She started to shake your shoulder since you didn't responded fast enough. 

"Yes Tracer I am."you answer

"Stop calling me that call me be my real name instead (your name)." she said What you asked yourself you though she loved the nickname she had. 

"Alright fine Lena" you said that as an alarm went off. 

"Really while were both suspended from duty and me not having my guns!" you said angrily 

"Come on love this is no time for complaining we have to get a move on."  Lena said 

"Right" you reply as you run to your room to gear up with only your available amour and run back to Lena she is talking to Soldier 76 on comms. 

"Here I found these for you" Lena said as she threw to object at you. You caught them easily and inspected them. There your two D50. 

"Where find these" you said happily 

"Magic love" she said you looked at your you knew she was lying and you didn't really care. 

"Come on I know the coordinates I'll punch them in the drop ship" she said So you both run to the drop ship she punched in the coordinates as fast as she could and you two were off. It took the drop ship a hour and a half to get there but you made it to the fight rather quickly. As you landed you and lena run out and side with you team mates. But you saw to additions to the team. One being a cyborg ninja the second being an outdated weapon user using a bow at a gun fight. Except he is damn good at it and strikes down foes like nothing. Time to show them what your made of you thought. You pop out emptying both your guns into foes. You hit fifth-teen of them with your six-teen shots. Until you saw someone on the battlefield that looked familiar to you. It wasn't reaper or widowmaker you haven't seen them in awhile. But someone else while processing this you shot sixteen more round lucky all found their mark.But you still wounder who was that. You helped get rid of most of the teams foes before you went after him.

"Hey Lena I'm going to check something out!" You yelled over the roaring gunfire 

"Alright I'll meet up in there with you!" she yelled back, You run inside the building that the stranger went into. Once you got inside there was and open space with many door leading every which way and someone in the middle. 

"Why hello there (your name)" the stranger said in a familiar 

"Who are you" you asked 

"You don't remember me do you have I've been dead that long" The stranger said

"No but your sure as hell creeping me out by knowing my name so you got to go." You said and fired off your D50s. The stranger turned around  and dodged the bullets and drew out a Assault rifle.Like  the other people that had died by your hand he was wearing a gasmaks. You and the stranger started to unload shots and both of you dodging bullets just the same. Until both  you and the stranger were in CQC range and out of ammo You both holster your weapons and start fist fighting. You were surprised he wasn't only good at dodging bullet but also can match you at CQC combat. Until you finally spun him around and ripped off the gas mask. Only to find the man that bullied you as a child and haunt you in dreams to be still alive Alex. You looked at him with a bit of fear. 

"Alex your dead" You said 

"Yeah I wanted revenge for the longest while until I saw you once again hunting bounties as you always do trying to take care of your little sister well let me tell you something your not going to live to hunt again. He drew out deul five-seven and popped two at your kneecaps you were too stunned to move you let them hit you. He unloaded the rest of his clip into your body earning from you screams of pain and agony. He stood over reloading one five-seven and aiming it at your head.

"Do it then end it all!" you screamed at him 

"No, I rather bleed out then give you a swift death." he walked away out of your view. All those feeling you bared up so long ago at that blood bath started to resurface you felt fear and helplessness. O God why did you feel so helpless. 

"(your name)!, (your name)!" Lena screamed she was on top of you with soldier 76 by her side 

"You go get mercy I'll stick with him Tracer." he ordered  

"No",Lena said," I'm sticking with him you go get mercy." You heard Soldier 76 sigh and lay down his boinc flied to keep you alive until mercy got there. Lena looked at you and began to cry. God you'd didn't want to know what Lena saw you thought she saw a once strong man lay broken in front of her.    You heard a gasp and you knew it was mercy. She applied her healing beam to you keeping you stabilized for longer. You were drifting in and out of the state consciousness until you finally fell unconscious. 

Sorry if your name is Alex kind of the only name that popped up in my head  

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