Chapter 14

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You woke up with Lena arms around your torso. You looked at her for a good five minutes before you got up to make yourself breakfast. You made yourself pancakes cause why not. As well extra for Lena. She was going to wake up a bit later. Since today was your day off of scouting. You decided to visit Amber. Once you got to her room she was pacing around.

"What's got you so nervous." You asked curouisly

"Well I kinda of have a crush on someone here." She said embarrassed

"Alright who is it." You said smiling

"(Your name)" she yelled

"Hey keep it down I won't tell him.... Or her if your a lesbian." You said jokingly

"First off your name I'm not a lesbian. And secondly it is a secret." Amber replied

You shighed,"When is not a secret."

"Well you didn't tell me yours." She stated

"Good point but still I'm big brother now tell me." You said curouisly

"No." She said

"Fine God don't tell your brother see how much help I can be." You said walking out

God you were curious about Amber and who she had a crush on but you didn't want to make any wrong geuss that might ruin her life. So you kept it to yourself. You went back to your room to fine Lena sitting at the table finishing the pancakes you left her. You went up to her and put your arm around her. Then as soon as you sat down she pressed her lips against yours and let go once your both out of breath.

"I am assuming you slept well." You said

"Yeah I did thanks for the pancakes love." She smiled

"So what do you want to do today I ran out movies do you want to go anywhere." You asked

"I have an idea let go to the mall (your name)." Lena said

"The mall last I went there my sister got into a fight in 5 men then she ran over to me. Safe to say those guys didn't walk again I wonder if they look at me would they still be scared." You finished

"Well your not taking your sister your taking your girlfriend and I can handle myself." She said

"I know Lena but still you get into a fight and there more that you can handle you can call me." You said

"I don't need help because time is on my side." Lena said with pride.

"Alright fine you win I guess you can kick there ass with time but I'll also be around the corner if you need me but I won't interfere unless you get hit and are on the floor" you stated

"Alright then you ready love." She said

"Yep." You said putting on your shirt and hiding one of your D50 on your belt.

You two walked out the Overwatch door and headed to the mall

"Hey (your name) race ya." Lena said

"Aw, not this again." You complained

As she started to blink off and you ran full speed after her. It was the same as the carnival you get into arms reach a couple times and she blinked off. Once you finally made it there you were seated from head to toe.

"Really that is just unfair." You said

"Yeah well made you should get a little faster." she said

"I am fast you can just blink off and not care." You said

While you said that you saw something no someone that was blue out of the corner of your eye. You spun around to see there was no one there.

"Maybe we should head back." you said

"What why (your name) we just got here." Lena stated

"Yeah I saw something I didn't...." You were cut off by a shot ringing out and hitting the wall right by you.

You and tracer ducked for cover. You drew out your one D50 that you hid.

"I knew  I saw her." You yelled

"Lena did you bring your guns?" You asked

She drew out her SMG and started to fire on Widow maker piston and you covered for her.

"Lena were not equip to take her on our amour back at base on shot from her and were done for. So I think we should run back to base what do you think?" You asked

"I agree with you love." Lena replied

"Alright then you go I cover." You said

You started to fire hellfire on her piston as Lena blinked out of the way. Once you looked were Lena was she was complete out of sight. You had a sigh of relief. You popped out of cover for you to cover yourself while you run to look down widowmaker's barrel.

"Aw,shit" you said and closed your eyes before you got shot

But no shot  you open your eyes to see Lena standing right in front of you with a knocked out widowmaker on the ground.

"Well you just saved my life Lena." You stated

"Well looks like your the one who needed help but now I'm going to need your help me move her body back to base." She said

"Yeah that I will do." You said

As you picked up the knocked out widowmaker. And started to walk back to base. Once you did get there you gave her to Winston and soldier 76 to interrogate. You went back to your room and yet again Lena wrapped her arms around your nick and kissed you until your breathless but instead you just stopping right there you two makeout for a good ten minutes. Before you both hit the bed early and fall asleep.

I have a qeustion for you guys who should Amber have a crush on. I really don't know could you guys please help me I can't decide. Also thank you guys for enjoying my story. But sad to say this story is coming to an end I'll get out a lot more chapters but I'm running out of stuff to write on this story. So reqeust away. You can literally request any Long Story remember I only write chapter like this it's easier for me. I'm weird. But as for what you guys or girls can request, you can reqeust another tracer x reader if you want one with a different type of reader or a mercy x reader or really whatever, those are the example that popped in mind for me. Also I really never wrote any same sex stories so that will be a challenge but I will learn but I will be horrible in the end so yeah. I'm good at writing story that are a romance on the opposite sex but remember I'm not afraid to try just don't be surprised if it horrible. So vote away and enjoy the rest of this story.

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