Chapter 11

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2 Days have pasted since you and Lena confessed your love for each other. Your sister finally came back because you and Lena can protect her now with a little less injures. All three of you were at the table discussing movies until Lena went to go get something.

"So how long have you and Lena been together." Amber asked

"Sis how did you know we were a thing?" you asked

"The way you look at her and she looks at you." She replied

"You can still read my facially expression like that." You said

"Yep." She answered right as Lena came up behind you and kissed you on the check. Amber nodded to you. You chuckled a bit and turned around to kiss Lena in return.

"(Your name) what happen when you went into that room and basically got your ass handed to you. I know that happens very rarely so I'm going to ask you what happened?" She said

This also got Lena attention," What did happen there Love you nearly died and so far nothing happen like that except the posion." Lena said

"Posion you got poisoned (your name)?!" She asked worried

You looked at Lena and made a motion to not continue.

"I was joking he wasn't posioned." Lena said quick to save you

"Alright I'll tell you what happened sis. When I went in that room there was a dude in gas mask blah blah blah I kicked his ass. Removed his gas mask to see it was Alex. Got shot in the knee caps he unloaded the rest of his two mags into me and left me to die." You said that as quickly as you could. Amber eyes went wide while Lena was still curious.

"Who is Alex." Lena asked

Then Amber went into a long story about telling about your childhood from her point of view. She went into how a guy named Merdock found you both on the side of street. Taught her everything she knew and explained you were trained in the arts of combat along with the rest of the hunter and his son Alex. You stop listening after hearing Alex. Once Amber finished you were sleeping Lena woke you by hugging you to death.

"You had nightmares (your name)?" She said with pity for you

"Yeah I stopped having them once I was around you." you admitted which made her uber happy.

"Hey (your name) you still good at poker." Amber asked

"Yeah, Lena do you know how to play poker and do you want to play it?" you asked

"Hah, you two won't be able to beat me." She said

"Your on." You said

Amber set up the poker game as you and Lena talked and laughed

"Alright poker game ready, (your name) your dealer." She called

You came over as you took the spot as dealer and started to dish out cards. Lena was right she was a really  good poker player she aced your sister 5 times but your sister was just as good. Each one lost one and won one it got rather Tudios to you and you went to bed and Lena followed close behind. Once you laid down Lena was just about to lay down as you wrap your arm around her and pull her down to the bed you both your laughing each other to sleep. You were the first since you were the one that was bored at looking at two people play poker without you enjoying the statist facation of winning but you might of let Lena win anyways.

Sorry for the short chapter

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