Chapter 22

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You rode for hours until you finally reached a peaceful point along a cliff side. The view was of the ocean it was beautiful the waves rolling and crashing at the Rock below. The cold wind in your face the sun setting in the west. You Admired it for a while it kept you clam. And left you alone with your thought.

"What am I?!"You asked yourself

"A monster, no a lover. Why is this so hard to answer!" You yelled to ocean

You felt your own world crashing down on you. Everything you believed you were. Are they all lies. You heard door step behind you. You prepared for the worst to be pushed off, captured, killed. Hell maybe you wanted that to happen someone to take your life. But instead you felt a soft hand reach and touch your shoulder. Of corse it Lena you thought how could she still love you, you nearly killed her.

"(Your name) I know you must be mad at yourself for what you did." Lena started," but it wasn't that bad you were not in control of yourself but you scared the living hell out of widowmaker, reaper and the rest of the people there won't be bothering us anymore." She said in an attempt to cheer you up.

"Yeah well I nearly killed you." You stated not turning around

"Yeah well I stopped you from even going further on all you needed was for someone to show you love to break out of that." She said trying to cheer you up evening more

You smiled because it worked she did stop you she is the negative to the ripper. You spun around to see her you always loved looking at the smile she had.

"Alright I'll forgive myself just this once. But the monster inside I cannot control. But hey I kept that down for awhile and never unleashed it so I guess never have to worry about it I'll never get that pissed off." You said with a smile trying to explain your thought

"Let head back then love if your alright." Lena said excited

You smiled, that you recovered from something of a murder spree in 5 minutes with Lena and already good.You got on your bike and Lena got on as well. She wrapped her arms around you and you started to ride down the mountain. You finally made it back to Overwatch HQ in a hour or two. Then you and Lena made it back to your room talking and laughing about how easily you got over the murder spree of the ripper with her around. Once you both get settled in, Amber and McCree came to your door with a bottle of whiskey.

"Hey (your name), Lena you want to get wasted?" Amber asked

"Lena?" You asked implying for her to answer

"Sure Love." She said grabbing the bottle of whiskey from Amber hands and setting it down at the table.

While the rest of them went to the table you got four shot glasses. You passed them out before you sat down yourself.

"Alright I want to play a game it simply who ever can take most shot without passing out wins." You said with a smile

"Your on!" Lena yelled

"Alright I accept partner." McCree concurred

"I'm in too." Amber said

"Alright then. Let begins!" You exclaimed as you poured the first shot into each glass. Each of you took the shot with no buzz of the alcohol on any of you. You kept reacting the process. But by the tenth round Lena and Amber passed out. Now all that is left is you and McCree.

" Looks like it's just you and me (your name) McCree said starting to feel the buzz just like you.

"There something you should know I have inhuman high alcohol tolerance level." You said with a grin

"Cheater!"McCree yelled

As you both continued drinking he was already starting to feel the burn. He was out by shot fifth-teen and you were half drunk. You started a long pain in the ass process of picking both McCree and your sister and heading to there room where you set them down in there bed. Then you moved there arms in some sort of love pose. You chuckled a bit at your handy work. Then you went back to your room and picked up Lena. You picked her up and went to your bedroom and set her down on the right and you went to the left and laid yourself down. You felt both of her arms wrap around you and pull you closer. You looked at her peacefully sleep. As you drifted off into sleep yourself. You though this is where I'll remain along side all of your new friends and the person you cared the most for Lena.

Well guys this is the last chapter sorry I couldn't draw it out more but this is were I'll leave it. But there will be an aftermath. So since this is my last chapter aside from the aftermath. request at what you want me to write. It could be anything hell it can be another Tracer x reader with a different type of reader instead of a bounty hunter. But it really anything you can think of. This message will be repeated at the after math. Remember also vote on each other if see that you like just vote because I'm not doing one shots it's not my thing. So keep that in mind and request away please please do it. Don't leave me hanging and sorry if this story was at all confusing.

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