Chapter 1

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At the airport waiting for my brother to pick me up. I had all my bags with me luckly. I heared a loud voice automatically knowing its David "KAMERON I MISSED YOU" he yelled as he tackled me into a bear hug.
"I miss you too loser"I said back while giving him a hug. I was that their was a blonde guy behind David.
"Oh Kam this is Alex" David introduced his friend
"hey I'm Kam" I smiled
"Hey I'm Alex" he smiles cheesely
we walked to David's car and Alex helped me put my stuff in the trunk of the car. Alex sat in the back with me since David's front door was broken.
"How was the trip" Alex asked
"it was good" I smiled
"So How old are u ?" he asked
"I'm 20 how old are u ?" I asked Alex
"I'm 20" he said
"cool" I said
we made it Alex and David's apartment.
"Kam your gonna sleep in my room so just  put ur stuff their and then we are going to Heath and Zane's house so you can meet everyone" David told me
"mkay" I said  as he unlocked the door . he walked me to his room and I put my stuff down. we walked back to the car and went to Heath and Zane's house. when we got out of the car I was kinda nervous of what they would think about me. Alex saw how nervous I was.
"they will love you don't be nervous" Alex whispered into my ear as he interlock our fingers which gave me butterflys. we walked into the house and David introduced me to everyone. Everyone was hella funny . I was talking to Liza as David was Vlogging. Liza told me that her and David are dating and I gave her a hug and we just bonded. I loved gabby she was so sweet and extremly funny. I vlog like David expect I'm less annoying.
"hey guys, Kameron here and I just wanted to show u some people I'll be hanging out with since I'm In La" I told my camera.i talked to the camera about my trip and talked about who I was with and who they will be seeing more in the vlogs. I ended my volg and went in the living room and sat next to Alex. I tried my hardest to not fall asleep cuz of jetlag. I ended up falling asleep on Alex's shoulder.
First chapter what do u think ?
Check out my two other books ;)
okay feedback would be amazing
okay love you and stay strong babes 💘

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