Chapter 10

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After hours of debating if we should do we decided to water gun the motherfuckers. Liza told David we were going the Dollar Tree to get some sodas. once we got to the store we got like 5 different water guns.

when we got back home the goal was to wear long ass shirts and pretended we were done swimming. i went back out to the pool and saw heath smoking and david talking to zane.

"Monster, where's Alex" i asked David him while refuring to his childhood nickname.

"Alex went to the kitchen" David said

"thank you" i said then walked to the kitchen to see alex serving himself a coke. i walked up behind him a wrapped my arms around his waist and got on my tip toes and kissed his shoulder.

"there you are my beautiful" he said as he turn around and pick me up a little off the ground.

"Here i am" i said laughing at my childness. i saw gabby wave to me from Heaths room.

"i'll be right back" i said to alex giving him a peck on the cheek. then i walked to Heaths room. i opened the door to see all the water guns loaded. we three grabbed three small guns each and 1 big one each. we walked out to the pool. All the guy were either tanning or drying off. they all saw us and look like they were about to crap themselves.

"REVENGE !" We all yelled as loud as we could we ran towards them spraying them with the water. i heard my brother yell like the little women he was an all i could do was laugh my big water gun was out of water. i grabbed my small water gun and shot heath, Scotty, and lastly my wonderful boyfriend Alex. After all of our water was out we didn't know what to do. they cornered us girls.

"Shit we didn't think this through" i said to gabby

"we are fucked" gabby look a me. Next thing we know we are picked up by the waist me by alex, Liza by David, and Gabby by Heath. we were about to get thrown in the water but we held on to them and pulled them in with us.

once we reached up for air i turned around and saw alex i swam up to him wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist and just look into his eyes.

"I love you" Alex said to me giving a kiss full of passion i pulled him in closer to deepen the kiss.

"I love you too" i said after i broke are kiss and kiss him one again .






okay i know y'all hate me for not updating but i'll try to more often now. i'm so sorry but i love you guys thank you for all your support.




I Love You BabyCakes 💗

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