Chapter 17

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Liza walked into alex's room and said "I think it's just gonna be us four because everyone seems to have plan" she explained while shrugging her shoulders as david walk in and stood next to Liza. "Alright are you guys done so we can just go to liza's and start driving to target to get snacks and then to Malibu." david explained.

"yeah but i think i'm going to change so you can take my bag down to the car and i'll meet you guys outside." i said walking out of the room and went to grab shorts and a tank top and changed into them. once i was down i put my shoes on and walked out the door and locked it then went to look for davids tesla. Once i saw it i opened the magical looking ass door and sat down next to Alex. Who had on an army green sweater on. I sat down next to him and laid my head on his shoulder and david began driving to Liza's. I got out of the car w/ Liza and we walked to her apartment. "Do you and alex ?" she ask as she began to unlock her door. "what do you mean ?" i questioned her. "that little head on shoulder action" Liza said winking at me. "oh i don't know it's just that i feel comfortable around him." i answered truthfully.

We walked through the door and I just sat in her bed as she began to look for clothes for the trip. Once she was done she locked the door to her apartment and we began waking back to the car.I got in sat backdown next to Alex. "Do you wanna watch a movie ?" he asked cause he already had his laptop out & he was wearing his glasses. i've alway though he look so hot in his glasses. "Oooooo yesss" i said we ended up watching Chicken little.

We drove to Target to get snacks for the hotel room. We all got down and went our separate ways and grabbed our own snacks. I grabbed cheetos & an Arizona and that was all since it was only an hour drive. I have no clue what Alex got but we ended up walking to check out together and i put my stuff on the thingy and was next in life but all of a fucking sudden Alex pushed me out of the way w/ his card in his hand ready to pay for me. "oh hell no, i'm a big girl i can pay for my own stuff." i said trynna push him over but ya know he's like 6'2 & in only 5'3 it didn't work out so well. "Kameron shut up i already paid." he told me. "You guys are cute." the cashier told us. "Thanks." Alex and i said in unison. to me it was like we weren't dating and since what happened in the accident but it doesn't me i don't want to be but i guess i still was. if that makes any damn sense. 

"Alex" i asked him in a questioning voice. "Kameron" he said in the same voice. "What are we ?" i questioned him. "I'm not sure." he replied. "I think i want us to start over." i told him."it's just cause of what everyone told me i just feel like we started off too early an -" Alex stopped me know i was going to start rambling. "hey hey hey look i understand that and i agree." he said. " Alex i do want you to know this though it's that i still like you but i just want us to go at a steady pace and  start slow." i told and with that he nodded his head in understandment. He pulled me into a hug and kissed the top of my head.


you are surrounding all my surroundings
Sounding down the mountain range
Of my left-side brain
You are surrounding all my surroundings
twisting the kaleidoscope
behind both of my eyes
ahhahahah okay i love you see you soon

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