chapter 4

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Alex and I had to find out a way to tell David. I think Alex was more scared than I was honestly.

"How do u think David is gonna react ?" Alex asked

"I think he'll be a little over protective but he's gonna have to get use to us" I said grabbing his hand giving it a little squeeze.

"yeah you're right" he said ask he relaxed a little. We walked into the apartment building as Alex opened the door for me.

"Wow , what a gentleman" I said jokingly

"Only for you Kam" he said while we to the apartment room door. Alex opened the door with his key since I haven't gotten mine yet *cough* I blame David *cough* . We walk into the living room to see Dom (that's his name right cuz I have no data and I can't go to YouTube and check so please correct me if I'm wrong it would be greatly appreciated) in the kitchen and David on the couch.

"Hey David umm... Alex and I need to talk to you for a minute" I told David

"Okay ?" he said questionably

"So Me and Alex are dating. Please don't over react and be all over pro-" I said before David interrupted me

"Hey hey Kam chill out. I'm fine with you and Alex dating I can't stop you from dating who you wanna date" he told me.

"Alex you better take care of my little sister. she's my everything understand" David told Alex seriously.

"I will David I promise" Alex told David

"CONGRATS" Dom said awkwardly while putting his hands in the air

"thank you Dommy" I laughed.

"Okay while I'm going to bed night" David said

"Same night" Dom said

"IM TAKING A SHOWER FIRST SO DON'T TRY" I told them as I ran to David's room and grabbed a pair of flannel kind of colored sleeping shorts.then ran to Alex's Room and Stole one of his shirts and the ran to the bathroom and took a quick shower to wash off all the makeup on my face and to wash my body.

After my shower I walked to the living to see Alex in shorts and no shirt and his laptop his his lap and let me say I'm mean damn I could get use to see him shirtless.
"Nice shirt Kam" he said "Looks a lot like the one I have in my room" I laughed
"Sorry babe" I said while I sat next to him to see what he was doing. he was on Netflix and we ended up falling asleep next to eachother on the couch.


Hey babycakes how have you been !?
While I thought you would like if I updated so yeah.
I love you all very much

make sure to hut that start button and comment and give me feedback

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