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"Tris, I almost gave up hope that you were going to survive it,"

He says it in a tone which plainly indicates the relief I saw in his eyes.
He crosses the room and wraps me in his arms tight. This reminds me of Tobias, the way he enveloped me in his strong and muscular arms, certain of himself and me, and it makes me long for him even more. Tears start down my cheek and touch his, and he pulls back, slightly frowning.

"Are you in pain?" Matthew asks me, clearly startled by my tears.

I shake my head.

"No I'm not. Just a bit overwhelmed. You know, by my survival." I lie lamely.

He smiles sadly "I get why you didn't have an aptitude for Candor .You're lying. Aren't you? You are missing your friends. There is nothing to be ashamed in it. It is not the most unreasonable thing in the world."

I try to return his smile. "You would do well in Candor , you know."

He laughs, "Maybe. I'm sure I wouldn't pass initiation, though. You know, what with the truth serum and all."

I finally get track of what I'm speaking, "So what's going on here? Where are the others? Did we succeed? Is everyone else alive? How long have I been here? How did I survive?" Where is Tobias? I ask him mentally, not able to voice up his name.

He puts up a hand ,"Whoa. Whoa. Tris. Relax. Those are a lot many questions. First i need to give you your medicine. Alright?"

I want answers but I know this is not the time to argue. So I nod. He fills up a syringe with a colourless serum and injects me. I don't even wince. Too accustomed to needles and syringes.

"So now," he says, "to start answering your questions". I sit up straighter. "Everything here is alright. You did manage to release the virus, the entire bureau is reset and everyone is alive, well except..."

My heart gives a lurch, "except whom?"

"Uriah. He died a few days after you. He was unplugged when his family came here."

I nod. I knew that but it doesn't stop me feeling bad for him.

"All your friends returned to Chicago after his death." Matthew says. "I tried to convince them to stay here. But they wouldn't listen to me. Not after well........." his voice trails off.

I don't even need him to complete. I know neither Tobias nor Christina or anyone else would want to stay here. After Uriah's death, after me nearly dying here. Or actually dying for them.

"You know," Matthew's voice snaps me back into attention,"you are quite behind of times. 2 months is a ridiculously long time for things to change and given the state of destruction it actually changed a lot."

It takes a minute to sink in. "Two months? Really? Have I been here that long?"

Matthew nods.

"Does anyone else know I'm here?"

We Found Love ||«An Allegiant Continuation»||#Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now