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"Does anyone else know I'm here?" He hesitates to answer.

"Well I didn't tell anyone that I tried to save you after they saw your body. Because I wasn't sure whether my own intuition was right. I didn't want to put them through more grief if it didn't work or give them false hope. Especially Four."

I freeze at his name . Perhaps Matthew notices.

"I'm glad you didn't see him that time. He was more dead than alive. He hardly talked to anyone, hardly ate, hardly slept. He just kept wandering around the Bureau aimlessly, crying the whole time. We tried to put him to sleep with medicine. Didn't help. He got nightmares which were so bad that he kept screaming and crying the whole night, unable to wake up due to the effect of the drug. It was heart breaking to see him that way. He even tried to entirely erase his own memory. Only Christina managed to stop him in time. Anyway they moved back to Chicago the next day Uriah died."

A hundred things are going through my mind and my chest hurts for him. Tobias tried to erase his memory? He was ready to forget me? A punch to the heart. He doesn't even know I'm alive? Another punch to the heart. I cling to the most logical thought I can summon, one that doesn't involve him and won't cause me to break down. Hopefully.

"How did I survive?"

He settles his spectacles over his nose and frowns. "I think I'll tell everyone together. I'm not in a mood to repeat it entirely."
"Alright," I say. "Listen. Can you please take me back to Chicago now?"

"Now? Are you mad? It's 10 o' clock in the night. And moreover you just woke up from a two month long coma and you are very weak. You are not completely off medication. You..."

I cling to his hand. "Please. I really need to go back. I think I've put everyone through enough grief already," I am no longer able to resist. Tears start up again. "I've put Tobias through enough grief already. You can bring me back in a few days," I sound desperate now,"Please just take me to Chicago."

He sighs and gets up from the bed. "Fine. I will. I'll have a nurse come and help you change." He watches me for a moment, his eyes seeing me but not seeing me at the same time. Deep in thought. Then he smiles.

"You know I'm looking forward to seeing Tobias's face when he sees you alive."

So do I.

Author's Note
Aloha, people of the world! I know, I know, extremely short and scrappy chapter and I'm really really sorry for that. Please don't kill me. It gets better, I swear.

I have a Social Studies unit test tomorrow and I've been studying my ass off since the morning. It gets so fucking irritating, when you can't remember a single damn date after memorizing for practically the whole goddamn week! I mean Political Science is fine but ugh History and Geography are so pointless. I just managed to wrap up my course and complete the three chapter revision. Phew.

I'll update more frequently, promise. Please give me ideas for Tobias's reaction. I already have it written but having suggestions would be amazing!

Read, share, vote, comment! Reading comments makes my day!

Till next time .

Be brave<4

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