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I turn around, in my deep sleep and roll over to lie on my back. I feel the sunlight squinting through the blinds of my and Tris's bedroom shining on my closed eyelids and creating a haze of a bright orange behind my eyelids. I inwardly sigh, this means my wife is already up and will soon wake me up. I cover my eyes with my arm and I try to will myself to go back to sleep. Suddenly I feel a light and warm weight on my lower abdomen and soft girl giggles fill the room. Two small, soft and warm hands place themselves on my chest to steady the body as it struggles to find a comfortable position to sit.

"Hope, honey, you are going to wake Daddy up the wrong way if you keep moving like that," I hear Tris' voice quietly scold and I feel the mattress dip near me as Tris moves to sit beside me. I almost smile, but I restrain myself, curious to see how this plays out.

My adorable three year old daughter giggles. My restraint on the growing smile on my face is slowly slipping away as I listen to the conversation between my two most favourite girls in the world, unaware of me listening to them.

"I sowwy Mommy," my angel replies softly and respectfully in her baby voice, just the way we have taught her to talk in the house. My chest swells with pride at her ability to retain and understand our instructions. " Can we wakey wakey Daddy pwweeeaaassseee Mommy? I wanna give my gift to him" she whines and I hear Tris giggle softly and it is music to my ears, listening to the love of my life laugh.

"Yes, hun, both of us are going to wake up Daddy the way I told you we would and then we will share our little secret with Daddy too. Alright?"secret? What is going on here?

"Yes ma'am. Can I also give Daddy what I made?"

"You can, baby. Ill tell you when to. Okay?"

"Yay!" Hope squeals softly, clapping her little hands excitedly. I make a mental note to myself, not to let my baby girl around Christina for long periods of time. I can see where the squealing comes from, because Tris never does this. I don't want my baby girl to learn things from Christina when she has Tris to look up to.

"Okay, baby girl, now."

I feel a dip in the mattress again and the weight on my abdomen shifting as I feel two pairs of lips attach themselves to my cheeks in gentle and loving kisses. A huge grin spreads on my face as I realise that Tris remembered that this was my favourite way to get up in the morning and I wrap both my arms around my two girls tightly, bringing them closer to me. I feel smiles on both of my cheeks and I slowly open my eyes, to meet my own eyes in my daughter, whose deep ocean blue eyes look lighter at the moment, giddy with happiness, a trait she inherited from me. Her soft blond hair cascades down her shoulders, dishevelled from just waking up. She looks exactly like Tris, her small and fragile frame, her pale and soft skin, high cheekbones resembling her's like a remodel, much to my delight, just with the exception to the eyes. She has my eyes exactly, which Tris claims to be a blessing.

"Happy Birthday Daddy," my baby throws her small arms around my neck, hugging me tightly. I hug her back too, kissing her small forehead. "Thank you, baby," I say into her hair. Out of my peripheral vision I see Tris, pulling away from us, looking at us with tender eyes filled with love and adoration, her eyes brimming with happy tears.

I unwrap one arm from around my daughter and extend it to her. Hope looks up at me, raising her head from the crook of my neck, resting her chin on my chest. "We want mommy in our family hug too, don't we, princess?" I ask her, rubbing her nose with mine. She giggles and nods. I beckon to Tris and she smiles, shaking her head and she comes to me. "Happy birthday,honey," she says and pecks my lips slightly. I grin upto her. "Thank you, sweetheart," she smiles and lays down, half on me , half on the bed. She holds on to Hope with one arm and her other arm wraps around my waist. She nuzzles her head in my shoulder and I wrap my arm around her small waist pulling her flush against me. Hope goes back to hugging my neck with one arm and her other one wraps around Tris' neck. I'm sure we probably look like a jumble of limbs and bodies, but I don't really care. I have my family, my two beautiful girls in my arms and it is all I want. I couldn't be happier at the moment. I wouldn't trade this moment for the world.

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