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Christina stays with us the whole of the day. Later in the evening, the three of us sit on my bed. Tris sits next to me, her hand entwined in mine and her head resting on my shoulder. I have my arm around her shoulders tightly, my head leaning on hers. To me it feels like if I loosen my grip, she will slip from me again in the greater unknown and I wouldn't be able to bring her back. And the way Tris clings to me, her hand holding mine tightly, she feels the same. Right now, all she needs is strength, and I'll more than glad to lend her mine. The thought of her slipping away scares me more than Marcus ever did. And that is saying something. I shudder lightly, and hold her closer to myself. Her small body radiates love and affection, and right now, that is all I need, to reassure myself. Christina sits across from her, hugging her legs. Christina looks at me and smiles knowingly. I suddenly become conscious and that must have shown on my face, because Christina laughs.

"What?" I say, a little defensively.

"I see what Amar meant. You without Tris, are like a different person all together. Obsessive, impulsive and insecure. I see what she brings out in you. You are calmer and more controlled when you are around her. Not to mention, kinder too," She says, smirking at me.

I look down at her, Tris smiles and looks at Christina.

"What do you mean, Christina?" she asks.

Christina looks uncomfortable, she fiddles with her fingers nervously, trying to figure out whether this is the best time to relay a piece of news which might have been really shocking for Tris had she not known it already. I make a mental note to myself to add that to the huge list of things I have to thank Matthew for. Little does Chris know, Tris already knows. I don't call her out on that, though. Even though I'm worried that this topic will lead onto the one which I'm desperately trying to avoid talking to Tris about, I guess she deserves every ounce of truth of these last two months.

"Well, I don't know if you know this, he tried to reset his memory after your supposed death."

Tris looks at me and then nods to Christina. "Yes I do."

"Oh well," Christina says, looking a little relieved,"after we came back, he would remain shut up in the apartment for long periods. Then he would take a weird route and go and sit on rocks by the chasm. I don't know, it seems such a strange place to sit, even by dauntless standards." She makes to start saying something else as well, but I shoot her a glare, shaking my head imperceptibly. I should be the one to tell that to Tris. I don't want her knowing that from anybody else. Christina frowns a little, but nods almost unnoticed..

"It isn't strange. Not for at least the both of us." I say

Tris smiles again, reaches up and kisses my cheek, her warm lips lingering on my skin for a second. A smile automatically creeps on my face. I let it stay there. It feels good to smile again.

"It can never be strange to me." She says, nuzzling her face in the crook of my neck.

Christina shakes her head. "Well, I'm not going to try to fathom the complexities of the working of your brains." She says, rolling her eyes. Both of us laugh. Then she turns towards me. "It is getting late. Tobias, don't you think the others should be informed of Tris' homecoming?"

"I will inform them, of course," I say casually.

"I mean to say that you should inform them now. Don't tell them the entire thing. Just ask them to come over," Christina says thoughtfully.

"Right. Christina, drop in by Zeke and Shauna's apartment on your way for dinner and ask them to come over tomorrow morning around 10. Also tell Zeke to inform Amar and George. I'll call and inform Cara. She can tell Caleb," I say.

We Found Love ||«An Allegiant Continuation»||#Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now