The Boy From The Train (AU!Atsushi x Reader)

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Atsushi has no ability in here whatsoever. So i hope you enjoy this!

A person was running late, and they are running into the train station. Once they got there, they got out their card and registered it, and proceeds to go inside the train.

When they got into the train, they bumped into someone, maybe a little older than them.

"O-oh, I'm really sorry!" A white haired boy said, bowing slightly to show respect.

The person sweatdropped, and said, "No, it's okay." They said, and walked to where the holders are.

The white haired boy nodded and continued on walking to his destination.

The person, named (name) stared at the boy, seeing that his uniform is different to theirs.

The white haired boy noticed (name)'s stare, and waved a little, and turned back around.

(Name) smiled, and looked outside the window. Hoping to see him again.

Again and again, they meet at the train station. They talk, and laugh. But they never got each other's names. It seems fate doesn't want them together.

Eventually, the two grew closer to each other, and (name) got a little too attached to the white haired boy.

"Okay... I'm going to say to him that I love him, and say my name." They said, walking nervously at the train station.

When they got in there, they saw the white haired boy, and now known as Train Boy, to (name)'s perspectives.

They talked for a good few minutes. But as they ran out of topics, they became silent.

(Name) looked at Train Boy and he seems to not notice it.

They took a deep breath, and whispered to Him, "I Love you."

Train Boy seems to notice it, and turned to (name), taking one of his earphone buds out of his ear, as he asked, "Yes? Is there something you want?"

(Name) became anxious as she stammered, waving her hand around, "No no. I'm fine."

And then the train came. They got into the train and proceeds to go to their seperate ways.

It was another day, and they tried to confess again.

But now, they wrote a letter and signed it with their name, so that Train Boy would know.

When they got into the train station, they met up with Train Boy and sat at the waiting chairs with him.

They looked at train Boy and his bag, that is a sling bag and is slightly opened.

'Perfect.' They thought, and proceeds to cautiously bring the letter inside his bag.

But alas, the wind blew and the letter slipped out of their hands and onto the train railing, where it's deep.

Train Boy noticed this and exclaimed, "Is that paper important?" He asked and stood up, "I'll go get it for you."

(Name) stammered, "No no, it's fine. It's just a drawing my friend gave."

Train boy nodded, "Oh, okay."

And now, it was her third time confessing. They decided to say it outloud.

When they got into the train station, Train Boy is standing near the chairs and said, "Oh, you're here." And (name) laughed at that, "As always."

But now, they turned serious, "I wanted to confess something to you."

Train boy became concerned and said, "What is it?"

(Name) stammered, "I.... I..."

"You what?"

"I..." They breathed in and out, "I ------------!"

Once again, fate rejected it and a train came by, causing a loud noise to errupt and disturb (name)'s saying.

Train Boy looked at the train and said, "Oh, the train's here." And walked in.

(Name) nodded sadly after a short while and got in.

After that day, came tommorow. But that tommorow, they didn't see Train Boy. And after that tommorow, nothing.

(Name) became scared. They're now in their classroom, writing on their free notebook.

Train Boy's Disappearance's Reasons.
1. He's sick
2. He moved away
3. Switched trains
4. Overseas
5. Dead

They got weirded out, "Why would I think he's dead?!" They thought, and erased number five.

A week passed by, they met up again. But not in the train station. But in the sidewalk.

"I .... Missed you." (Name) smiled, and sighed in relief that he's okay.

"Where have you been?"

Train Boy spoke, "Well, I got sick for three days, and I got free time to go to Grandma's house for four days. I'm sorry..." He said. But what he said next made (name) stop their movements,

"I'm going to switch trains right now. And I'm happy because you're here. I could go and say my goodbye to you." He smiled saadly.

(Name) smiled slowly, but saldy. And nodded in understanding, "Oh... Is that so..."

Train Boy then said, "Yes, goodbye, and I'm sorry!" He bowed, and walked off to change sidewalks. (Name) nodded. They quickly turned around. They walked away slowly. Their tears are running hard. Even is she could wipe them, they won't stop. But then,

A loud crash is heard.

"Someone help the poor guy!"

(Name) heard a woman shout, and many people came to Train Boy's direction.

When they saw this, their heart dropped.

(Name) turned around and ran to where Train Boy is, and forced her way into the crowd to see him.

There, he laid lifelessly, and bloody. With his bag opened and all his belongings scrambled up.

But what (name)'s eye caught interesting was a letter. With a heart shape in it.

She slowly picked up the letter. She stared at it for a few seconds before reading it.

Dear, Train Girl.

Thank you for always being here with me. I've been meaning to say that I love you but fate doesn't approve. Lol! But to be honest, I'm kinda dissapointed. Once, I tried giving you a letter, but I slip and the letter got inside another woman's bag. Another try is that, I tried making a good poem. But I can't make it good. I tried giving you a scrap of paper that contained my number, but the air blew it away. But, this is my last chance to give this to you, and say my undying love to you. So, I hope to see you tommorow again! ^o^!

Love, _____.

Tears started to spill hard.

And the reason is?

You can't read his name because it was covered in his blood, and he left. He left without coming back. You didn't even said your name to him. You can't do anything. And he even said a lie.

A very painful lie.

"See you tommorow! ^o^!"

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