Christmas Special: Atsushi

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It was cold, and it's already snowing in Yokohama. There is inviting warmness in almost every side of the province. And there is one particular place in Yokohama that invites warmness and light. A building that calls itself, The Detective Agency.

And outside that one particular building, mayne a several meters away was a couple.

"Atsushiiii! "A certain person complained, gripping a paper bag full of food for the hot pot later.

"Yes, (y/n)? Something wrong? "Atsushi smiled, gripping bags of christmas balls and gifts for the whole gang tightly. He leaned closer to (y/n) to capture the person's cheeks on his lips, earning a surprised squeak from the latter.

"I-I was just so tireeeed! "Said person whined, slumping back a little and slowing dowm, "Are we there yet?? "

Atsushi chuckled, looking in front, "Yes. Actually, we're here now. "

Both the couple stopped in front of the door of the building, with Atsushi knocking softly on the door.

The door opened, revealing a satisfied Kunikida with foggy glasses, "Glad you two are on time. We need to make the hot pot as quickly as possible! "Kunikida rattled, running around like a manager, bossing everyone around.

The first floor of the building looks like a nice restaurant, with a huge counter at the side. The huge room was decorated with so many decorations, there's even a gigantic pine tree with christmas balls and streamers at the corner of the room! The giant pine tree was from last year's christmas day, Kenji got from the forest.

(Y/n) remembered the day when she snuggled with Atsushi's warmth, because it's so cold.

The lass smiled at the thought as she goes inside the kitchen to put the hot pot's ingredients on the counter, sighing in relief as the heavy feeling on his arms was gone already.

"You're looking relieved, "Atsushi shyly wrapped his arms around his lover, gently resting his chin on the said lover's shoulder, "Feeling lazy..? "

The girl nodded, slumping her shoulder lazily, nuzzling her head with the other's, "Mhm.. "

"Well, let's greet the others, shall we? "Atsushi smiled, pecking (y/n)'s ear and letting go, waiting for his lover to walk out of the kitchen together with (y/n).

"Yeah, let's. "Y/n nodded, following behind Atsushi, holding and intertwining her hand with his.

They opened the door from the kitchen, but they were invited with silence.

Well, its not that there are no people. Actually, there are MANY. More specifically, the whole gang, staring at them with cat eyes, smirking.

The couple was confused, why are they acting like this?

And just like that, the two's eyes were as wide as soucers as they looked up from where they are standing.

And then, they saw a mistletoe.

Atsushi sweatdropped. He doesn't like PDA, so he's nervous at doing something like this.

But then, out of nowhere,
A hand grabbed his collar, pulling him to y/n's direction, earning him a kiss on the lips.

Atsushi was shocked, but soon melted into the kiss.

At least, he thought that a dominant y/n would be nice once in a while.

IM REALLY SORRY FOR THE LONG LONG WAIT; -; I have so many issues as to why I cant update fast! Ughh

It's Christmas break, but what's the problem? Why can't i update with so mich free time in my hands?

Well, dear readers, the reason is, we don't have wifi.

I only have wifi now because I'm in my grandma's house.

So, I'll have so so very little chance of updating. Im really sorry!

Merry Christmas!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2017 ⏰

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