Chapter 6

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Darlene's P.O.V

As we got to my class which was maths. I feel grateful to have someone as nice as Calum here but I still question if this is all an acted.

"Thank you! Now, go so your not late!" I say and smile and so dose he.

"Okay see you at lunch." He says and runs off to his class. As much as I want to say I can trust him, then again I question if I can trust any one. But if Calum really did want to be my friend I would say we would be close. But then Ashton have my confused as in if he was pulling a acted when he is with her, Charlotte. Or if that day he came to my house is just an acted to play with my feelings just to leave me again. My thoughts where interrupted my the teacher, Mrs.MacWell.

'"Darlene! Are you even paying attention?" She almost yells. All I do is nod and pull out my notebook to write down some notes. I have always been a straight 'A' student and never ever really got in to trouble. I am usually the one to try and avoid going to the office. Pretty much any adult with a lot of power oover me scares me, I don't know why but it just dose. The rest of the class goes well and each class is about 45 to 50 minutes each. Some classes are shorter that the next and then some are longer. The bell rings and we all pack up our stuff and shuffle out of the door. But the I see Charlotte coming to me. She looks will perfect yet mad at the same time she is standing next to her 'Bestie' Ariana. Then she stops right in front of me and throws her steaming hot coffee on me. The pain is bearable but stings. I cry becasue I can not fight them back as much as I wish I could.

"Thats for my boyfriend going to your house." The way she say 'My Boyfriend' broke me but why. I ran away from her in to the girls room. I was a mess my eyes are red from the tears and my clothes are messed up from the wet black coffee. What she did was cold and mean. I swear that's a new low even for Charlotte. I go to my locker and pull out some basketball shorts and and white shirt that I had kept in there just in case, and it's a good thing too. I new that good feeling I felt would go away but I do miss it. I wipe my eyes and fix in hair by just leaving it down. I grab my bag and put my dirty clothes in my locker and walk out trying to my strong. But its to late because I'm just a weak girl. As I walked out everyone wat looking at me and laughing. I knew Charlotte would tell everyone. But just as I want to turn to go back in the lockerroom and cry some more someones hand wrap around my small body and just hugs me so I feel well safe.

"Thank you" I whisper and all he dose is let go and take my hand and we run up to the roof of the school.

"Calum, you didn't have to save me up there."

"I know I didn't have too, but I wanted to." Calum says and looks as me with a small smile. And I return the smille.

"Wait what about class? We should go now." I say I mean I am concerned this can go on as ditching class and that will go on my permanit record! And then what about collage I could get turned down by the one I want to go to because of this.

"Don't worry. Just say you fell in mud and you hand to go change they will believe it, okay? Let's go now then." He said a bit too calm as if he knew nothing was going to happen but I know something will. I ran down the steps as fast as I could and ran to my second class world history.

"Miss.Ford. Why are you late for my class?" Mrs.Bulberry asked and I never really liked this class but here comes the lie or truth

"I'm sorry Mrs.Bulberry, I fell in some mud and had to go to the locker room to change." I say and she looks at me and nods.

"Okay you are excused but next time don't fall. Take you seat next to Mr.Irwin." Mrs.Bulberry says and I take my seat next to Ashton.

I don't think I even want to look are talk to him right now. What he did was cold and mean. I know he wants Charlotte happy but you just don't leave your friends. I expected a lot more from him, as a friend. When he is with Chatlotte he is not himself. He is the person everyone wants to see. The person people want him to be. But that's not him. But maybe he dose not see it the way I do. Maybe when he said he really wanted to be there for me was all a lie. Because maybe he is not the guy I thought he was or is.

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