Hari Raya Aidilfitri Pt. 3

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Semperit - a type of traditional cookie in Malaysia

pelita- oil lamps that are usually used for Hari Raya to make the house look more festive

The song is Suasana Di Hari Raya by Anuar and Elina , I'm just gonna make a short version of it, kay?


Previous chapter

"Come on let's go, aru!" A man said. "It has been a while since I've seen her." He continued.

"Yes, I would also like to see how she has been." A man beside agreed.

Without saying another word, Temasek lead the group to a certain depressed nation's house.


Malacca was nibbling on one of her favourite cookies, semperit. She wasn't even eating it for the taste, it was just because she was getting annoyed on where Temasek had went. That or her cookies would go to was if no one eats them. She chose the former.

It was now evening and people were starting to light their pelita(s). Giving the night a more festive look. She wanted to light up hers as well but she felt that it was not needed.

"Another year, I guess?" She whispered.

She found herself sitting on the verandah, watching her people again. The teenagers were talking among themselves while the adults were supervising their children, not wanting an incident to happen.

The kids were running around swishing the sparklers here and there, trying to make a shape with it but to no avail it only looked like jumbled up doodles.

Malacca also had a box full of the item but she decided not to open them. It was still a nice sight to watch. She would give her own life it meant her people's happiness and freedom, but she was still a child in everyone's eye.

None of them knew what she and other people like her had experienced.

Without realising it, she started singing one of her favourite Raya songs (I'll put up the english translation in the author's note below, kay?)

Berlalulah sudah ramadan sebulan berpuasa

Tiba syawal kita rayakan dengan rasa gembira

Anak muda di rantauan semuanya pulang ke desa

Ibu dan ayah keriangan bersyukur tak terkira
Bertukar senyuman dan salam ziarah-menziarahi

Tutur dan kata yang sopan saling memaafi

Suasana hari raya walau di mana pun jua

Memberikan ketenangan dan mententeramkan jiwa

Kuih dan muih beranika macam

Makanlah jangan hanya di pandang

Ketupat rendang sila nikmati kawan

Penat memasak malam ke pagi

Wajik dan dodol jangan lupakan

Peninggalan nenek zaman berzaman

Asyik bersembang pakcik dan makcik

Hai duit raya lupa nak di beri

She sighed. "I'm bored..." The nation said to herself, swinging her legs left and right.

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