Memories (SingaMalay)

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Author-san: Hey guys what's up?! As you all know... I haven't been updating lately due to personal reasons..

And I'm really sorry about that!

and also....

This chappie is dedicated to Singapore's birthday~

Okay, I wanna give y'all a little present for this special day, soooo... I HOPE YOU GUYS ENJOY!

Warning: bad grammar and a little boring, and kinda cliche...


Usually on someone's birthday, they would be excited, wanting to spend their special day the best way they can...

But in this case, it's the total opposite for the personification of Singapore. It's 9th of August and he was woken up to the buzzing of his phone.

"Ignore it" he whispered, snuggling into his bed again.




"Ignoring it." He told himself again.




Annoyed by the constant ringing, he opened it, screaming at the poor caller...



Singapore checked to see that Indonesia was calling.

"Hello? Indonesia, why are you calling?" He asked, voice not trying to hide his annoyance.

"W-well, I was wondering i-if we could have an emergency meeting?"

"Why? Our next meeting is only two weeks more, why now?"

"I-it's just a really big emergency! Please, we're all here in Singapore now-"


"Hehe... sorry~ We're gonna go to the meeting place first, be quick, OKAY BYE!"

"Wait, Indon!"

He didn't even get to finish his sentence, the Indonesian had cut the call.

And to think he was going to enjoy this day with peace and quiet, a meeting was held.

-------at the meeting place in Singapore---------

Taking step after step, the young man was spreading a darkish purple aura all around him.

"This better be worth it, I wanted to just relax today actually."

Opening the doors with a sigh, he was greeted with glitter pouring out of nowhere.

In my opinion, seeing someone with glitter is straight up hilarious.

I would be doubling over laughing my ass off, but in this case it's different.

First of all, the glitter, wasn't just a speck here and there, it was covering Singapore from head to toe. LITERALLY. He actually looked like those 80's disco balls.

Second, the Singaporean didn't look like he was having much fun.

"Timor, I told you to use little by little, not pour it all at once! "

Yup... He guessed it.

They were planning a surprise party for him. It was too obvious.

"Surprise party? Really?" He asked.

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