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Author-san: Please read the author's note at the end of the chappie! *bows head*

Picture above is a henna design~


(A/N: I miss making my chappies in a dialog so that's why I'm making this chapter like one, plus, I'm a bit lazy//slapped)

A time when Malaysia and many other nations were still a British colony

England: All right, I think all of us are here now, let us start the meeting...

*murmurs in the room*

England: Is there something I need to know about here?

Ghana: Two

Seychelles: To what?

Bangladesh: To be, or not to be: That is the question: Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer. The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, and by opposing end them? To die: to sleep-

Zambia: Wait what?

Bangladesh: Yes?

Sri Lanka: Why are you qouting Shakespeare?

Bangladesh: Well, Miss Seychelles asked 'to what?'

Jamaica: That doesn't make any sense...

Bangladesh: Well, I think-

Rwanda: I think the question was not even aimed at you Bangladesh..

Bangladesh: How do know that hmm? Rwanda?

Rwanda: Shut it you old trap, she wasn't even looking at you when she asked..


Australia: Ooooooo... POME blew a fuse...


Australia: What? Wrong timing?

Kenya: Anyways, who were you even asking Seychelles?

Seychelles: I was actually just curious of what Ghana said...

Ghana: What I really meant is two people still haven't arrived yet.

Canada: Who??

Brunei: I'm gonna take a wild guess and say Malaya and India..

Singapore: Correct.

England: *sighs* Anyone know where those two idiots went?

*doors burst open*

Singapore: Speak of the devil...

Malaya&India: SORRY WE'RE LATE!

England: *sighs* What am I going to do with both of you? Explain yourselves.

Malaya: Sabarlah! Still out of breath here!

India: We actually just misread the date of the meeting and just noticed it a few minutes back...

Malaya: Ehehe... Maaf England..

England: You know what? I'm too tired to yell at you, just go take your seats..

Malaya&India: Yes sir! *mock salutes England*

England: *sees Malaya's hands* MALAYA, WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS?!

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