Mother figure

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Author-san: Okay, before starting this chapter, I just wanna say that I'm sorry...

You know, the 'Miracles' chapter...

I was kinda in a bad mood that morning and I just wrote what I felt and stupidly made it a chapter... I'm sorry if you were uncomfortable with it...

Soooo.... Yeaaaaah...

I don't want to make this sappy, so let's get on with the chappie! XD

The above pic is MAAF doujinshi by Dinosarusgede, chapter 125, it's AWESOME!

Chapter 126 breaks my heart tho.. TT ~ TT, I wanna cuddle Malaysia so badly...

WARNING: If you are not muslim, I beg of you to not get offended, I put in some Islamic history and facts in here, okay?



Okay, all of you guys know that in the MAAF doujinshi by Dinosaurusgede, Saudi Arabia is a woman... so, I came up with this weird imagine/headcanon?

Idk what you guys call them, I'm still a newborn otaku/fangirl...


Seeing as Saudi Arabia helped influence Malaysia to being a muslim country, I think they would have this mother-daughter relationship...

Think about it...

They were also trade partners when Malaysia was known as Malacca...

And I can imagine how ecstatic Saudi Arabia was when Malacca (Malaysia) told her that she wanted to convert to Islam.








Imagine this guysssssss!!


1. Saudi Arabia teaching Malaysia about the heroes in Islamic history

S. Arabia : I heard that you have been reading more about Islamic heroes? Is that true Malaysia?

Malaysia: Well, that isn't a lie, I've been studying about Sumayyah Binti Khayyat.... She was a great woman, her whole family was...

S. Arabia: Indeed. You seem troubled, what's wrong, dear?

Malaysia: Oh nothing really, it's just that, how the Quraysh people tortured her sickens me to the very core!

They had dresses her in mail-coats and forced her to stand in the blazing sun for days! And Abu Jahl stabbed and impaled her with his spear!

I really adore her strength, she was really strong to withstand those painful moments, and still defend our religion bravely...

S. Arabia: *chuckles* Remember, The Prophet Muhammad had urged them, "Patience, O family of Yasir! Your meeting-place will be Paradise".

This family sacrificed their most precious asset, their lives, in order to protect and spread the truth; and in return they gained the reward of Allah's pleasure and the best of the hereafter including the highest levels of Jannah. It is about people like these that Allah says:

"Verily, Allah has purchased of the believers their lives and their properties for (the price) that theirs shall be Paradise" (Surah Tawbah:111)

Malaysia: Through Sumayyah's example we are reminded that we need to go through effort and some sacrifice for Allah's sake - the Qur'an tells us:

Do you expect to enter Paradise without being tested like those before you? They were tested with hardship and adversity, and were shaken up (Surah Al-Baqarah:214)

Sumayyah was also an example of the people Allah spoke of in this verse:

Be sure We shall test you with something of fear and hunger, some loss in goods, lives and the fruits (of your toil), but give glad tidings to those who patiently persevere. Who say: when afflicted with calamity: "To Allah we belong and to Him is our return." (Surah Al-Baqara:155-156)

S. Arabia: I must say that I'm impressed that you have remembered more than our last lesson.

Malaysia: Of course lah! I don't want to be a jahil muslim. I will gain more knowledge about Islam, In shaa Allah (translation: if Allah wills it)

S. Arabia: In shaa Allah, in the next lesson, I will teach you more.


Author-san : Allah isn't necessarily asking us to give up our lives like in the case of Sumayyah (RA) but there are certainly other things we can sacrifice

e.g. bad behaviour with our parents, swearing, making fun of others, certain TV programmes, bad company, a prohibited relationship, oversleeping (especially when making sure we wake up on time for Fajr prayer)

Whatever it is we need to change and give up, we need to first identify it and make a commitment to follow through to gain Allah's pleasure.


2. Shopping for new hijabs

(a/n: I'm using my experience when I was buying a new hijab for Aidilfitri or Eid al-Fitr with my mother)

*at a hijab store*

Malaysia: Do you think this one matches my blue baju kurung?

S. Arabia: Hmmm... I think this one is too dark, try finding a lighter colour.

Malaysia: But, I think this is the lightest colour they have...

S. Arabia: Really? Wait, I'm gonna ask them..

Malaysia: Oh n-no, you don't have too-

S. Arabia: Excuse me, do you have a this in a lighter colour?

Worker: Sorry ma'am, we sold out a lot of our hijabs a few days ago, we're still restocking...

S. Arabia: Oh, that's unfortunate...

Worker: We do have some new types of hijab that I think you will like?

S. Arabia: Sure, why not? Come on Malays-, I-I mean Maya, we can look for others!

Malaysia: Okay then! (is actually really tired and wants to go home already)


Author-san: Sorry, I didn't have much ideas but I think this chapter is really good! I hope you guys enjoyed it and if you think that my history is wrong, please tell me!

And as for my non-muslim readers, I hope you guys are not offended or anything, I just wanted everyone to enjoy this chappie!

Sumayyah Binti Khayyat is my idol since my 'Islamic Studies' teacher, Ustazah Latipah taught us about this beautiful knowledge!

Oh, I also have another thing to say!

Can you guys go check out my friend's new book 'Lost Galaxies' it's awesome and cool!

Here is her user name auth_psta , she is one of the crazy weirdos that I'm friends with!

It would mean the world to me if you guys support her!

Well... That's it for now!

Author-san: Jumpa nanti! Aku cuba buat lebih banyak cerita untuk kamu semua! Bhaiiii! Assalamualaikum! Sayang korang~

Malaysia: Harap kamu semua berpuas hati dengan chapter ni!

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