Chapter 1 |Slurps & Burps: Your Merry Apothecary|

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Disclaimer: characters and a few of the lines belong to Shannon Messenger. This fanfic was based off of her series.

Sophie stared at the town before her, a chill running down her spine.

There were so many people. Everywhere, looking in shop windows and sitting in the cute little tables outside the cafés. They mingled around the plaza, which had a weird statue of a naked person riding a Pegasus.

Sophie pulled out an eyelash before shouldering her purple bag and walking to the first store she saw that didn't look full of people.

She looked up. The sign was like a toddler's attempt at making a circle, with the words "Slurps and Burps."

Inside, as she presumed, was no one accept for a guy sleeping at the cashier, a mop of strawberry colored hair greeting her.

Sophie cleared her throat. He didn't seem to hear her. She stalked closer, reaching out and hesitantly tapping him on the shoulder.

His head shot up almost immediately, eyes wide, franticly searching around before his gaze finally landed on her.

Sophie started, backing away slightly, standing still as a deer in headlights while he finally seemed to properly focus on her.

"Oh, um," a fierce blush flourished on his face, almost as red as his hair. "Sorry, um...h-how can I help you?"

Sophie blinked slowly, readjusting her backpack. "Um, I was just looking for..." Sophie fumbled to pull the slip of paper out of her jeans pocket. "Fitz—"

As if on queue, the door to the shop opened, and a older guy with dark brown hair smiled at her from the doorway.

"Hey," he greeted with a heavy accent she could only guess came from somewhere in England.

Sophie could hear the guy behind to counter mumble something as she smiled back. "Hello."

"Sophie, right?" He walked in, passing shelved filled with bottles, his teal eyes only on her. "I'm Fitz Vacker."

"I figured," she answered as he offered to take her bag. He was a younger version of his father Alden, who had been such a big part of her life that it would have been impossible for her to miss the similarities.

Fitz grinned sheepishly. "I get that a lot. Come on, I'll show you around town."
As they left the store, Fitz gave a backhand wave to the guy behind the cashier. "Thanks Dex!"

Sophie heard Dex sigh, and she gave him a smile over her shoulder as the tie die colored door closed behind her.

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