Chapter 16 |Someone Called Valin(tine)|

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Late Valentine's Day update. I was using the Californian stereotype. If you're Californian and you look nothing like what Sophie sees and you are offended in any way, sorry. You can't control the weather.

Marella-Barella-Momella-fee-fyy-ar-el-la. Mar-el-la. (I don't know how that song goes, so...just leave it...)

This chapter is longer than I thought not all that relevant to the story but they are in the same universe and I wanted to include it. I'm procrastinating.

A simple memory, held forever~xoxo

8th grade.

It wasn't something Sophie remembered often.

Her classmates were already beautiful and tanned and curvy and everything she really wasn't. She was an alien then; Marella hadn't really become her best friend yet. Marella was a typical California girl who wore shorts, while Sophie wore sweaters in the middle of summer.

The only time she remembered her classmates collectively having conversations with her was during Valentine's Day, when all the classes were stuffed into the gym/auditorium in a "dance." Sophie was sitting in the worn wooden chairs, watching the shadows of the other kids flit across the gym floor under the harsh strobe lights.

She didn't notice the three boys that had crept near her until one was seated beside her and the other two were leaning over her shoulders.

"Hey, Sophie," one said. The loud music drowned out most of his voice, but Sophie heard enough.

"Hello. Nathan," she added.

He smiled, his dark eyes reflecting a rainbow of flashing colors. He was one of the few that talked to her, out of sympathy, probably. He "dated" (as they say), and his girlfriend, a year younger and in the seventh grade, was down dancing with her friends to an upbeat Ricky Martin song. She had enough to share.

"So, why aren't you dancing with Valin?" Nathan pointed to a darkly shaded corner of the gym, even though the boy who was hidden there couldn't be seen.

Sophie hesitated, processing, then shook her head violently. "What—No."

Nathan clicked his tongue. "Why not?" He nudged her gently with his elbow, like they were good friends. Like it mattered.

In truth, Sophie didn't really know Valin, even though the only difference between them was that he was a guy, and she was not. But if he was anything like her, she understood why no one liked him.

And it was that fact that no one liked him that she stayed away.

It was an unfair world.

Sophie shook her head again.

Nathan gave her a soft smile, his lip curled and his eyebrows raised. He was the most gorgeous of them all. "Come on," he urged. "No one should be alone. Especially not on Valentine's Day."

No one should be alone.

And Sophie smiled at him and told him that no truer words had ever been said. Then she stood and went to the bathroom.

She didn't know what it was. Maybe that thing about being alone, or her own loneliness, or maybe that it was Valentine's Day. Maybe there shouldn't have been an excuse.

Sophie passed Valin on her way. She waved to him. "I'll be back."

He didn't say anything.

She pushed the door open and left.

Valin was waiting patiently in his corner when she returned. She sat down beside him, sliding down the wall until her butt hit the floor.

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