Chapter 5 |Barnes & Noble|

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1/21/22 changed something of bad taste


Sophie leaned against a wall as Biana pulled yet another shirt from off the rack, holding it against her chest and looking at herself in the mirror.

Barely one night since Sophie had arrived, Biana had knocked on her door, stuffed her in a car, and driven them to a mall in an even more populated part of the city.

"We need new clothes," Biana had gushed. Sophie was sure she meant "you need new clothes."

Sophie stifled a yawn. She didn't even know what store they were in. It was the fifth one, she was sure.

Sophie blinked as Biana held a shirt up to her. It was made of some lacy material, with buttons up the front and some designs on the back. They had three other colors, and the one Biana was holding was blue.

"This would look nice on you," she commented.

Sophie shooed her away. "Can we go to Barnes and Noble?"

"Do they sell clothes there?"

Sophie deadpanned. "If I say yes, can we go?"


Twenty minutes later, Sophie was cruising up and down the aisle of Barnes & Noble labeled HORROR while Biana huffed.

"You liar."

Sophie hid her smile behind her books. She was about to say something back when she heard Biana shriek.

Sophie jumped, feeling her face enflame when people craned their necks to see what was going on. She rushed over to where Biana had wandered, narrowing her eyes to find her friend staring at the cover of some celebrity gossip magazine.

"Biana," she hissed.

The other girl simply gasped as she read some other news of the stars, eventually picking up a magazine.

Sophie sighed. She began looking at the magazines herself, not really paying attention.

She looked up momentarily, finding Biana gazing at a newspaper. It had someone on the cover, but Sophie didn't bother to look.

Biana frowned. "Let's go home."

After Sophie bought her books and Biana had bought the newspaper, they went home.

Sophie noticed Biana run straight for the door at the end of the hallway as she fumbled with her keys. Biana entered, not bothering to knock. There was yelling.

On the news, a woman spoke animatedly about celebrity gossip.

Sencen was the only name Sophie recognized.

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