Chapter 3 |Alluveterre|

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Sophie shifted awkwardly in her seat as she and Fitz waited for their food.

In all honesty, Sophie had felt this town to be the most cliché place she had ever been to.

They had gone to a restaurant called "Alluveterre" and Sophie was starting to wonder what crazy language that came from.

Fitz smiled at her reassuringly. "Hey, you're going to love it here. The owner, Calla, makes—"

"'The best stew you've ever tasted,'" Sophie finished for him. "Yeah, you told me." She looked around nervously. "There's a lot of peo—"

"Fitz!" Someone called from the doorway. Suddenly, a girl plopped down next to Sophie.

Sophie blinked. She hadn't even seen her enter.

The girl bore a striking resemblance to Fitz, with bright teal eyes and long brown hair that fell down her shoulders. She smiled brightly at Sophie.

"Hey, so your the new girl, eh?" She greeted. "I'm Biana, his sister." She jutted a thumb at Fitz.

"I'm Sophie. Alden talked a lot about Fitz, but he said I should keep an eye on you."

"Yeah, it sucks," she joked, not at all bothered by it. "So, do you like what I did to your new home? Took Fitz and Keefe forever to set up, though."

"Furniture is heavy!" Fitz argued. "And it would've probably gone faster if you had helped out a bit."

Biana gave him a look in between the lines of disgust and horror. "For your information, I had just gotten my nails done and I did not want to have to ruin them and go again, okay?" She rolled her eyes, and flashed Sophie a look that said, can you believe him?

Sophie looked between the both of them, slightly confused. "You two must be related."

Biana and Fitz both laughed. Biana flicked her cheek lightly. "Oh, yeah, you and I are totally going shopping later."

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