Chapter 12 |The Prince(ss) and his Knight|

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The next few days were quiet, surprisingly.

Sophie was alone for the first time in a while, since Biana had gone to a fashion show in New York with some friends of hers, and Fitz was out of town with his mother.

So she was alone.


She had contemplated walking down the hallway and knocking on the last door, wanting to see what would happen if she did.

The Vackers said it was normal for Keefe to want his privacy every once in a while, but Sophie still wondered what he was doing, all alone.

At least he must be doing something.

Sophie looked out onto the plaza, staring down at the people.

Everyone was dressed fashionably, like it was a law here that you had to dress nice. That seemed normal for them, and she realized that of course they dressed like that: most people here had a good amount of money. Alden was a teacher and a psychologist, and Della was a model and a fashion designer. Sophie was surprised they didn't live in a mansion in California next to Oprah.

Sophie was taught from a young age that money didn't need to matter. It didn't. Not to her.

She liked it that way.

Hold on hold on hold on.
I got completely sidetracked. Okay, um, what was next...? Oh, right! Our favorite Technopath makes his appearance once again!

It was cool outside, comfortable.

Going for a walk hadn't been such a bad idea, just joining in with everyone else, but Sophie felt like she stood out like a beacon in worn down shoes.

Sophie hadn't  looked up from her shoes as she walked, listening to music through her earbuds. She wanted to become one of the people walking in the street for a little while, be the one someone else was watching from their apartment window.

All she could really do was want.

But, no, she couldn't even do that.

Sophie hadn't known anyone was coming until a new pair of shoes came into view and someone plowed into her, making her stumble and grit her teeth.

There was a loud thump and a groan as the other person hit the ground, but Sophie caught herself before she fell.

She looked down.

It took her a while to realize that she knew him. It was the same guy from that store...Slurps & Burps! He was looking up at her with wide eyes.

Sophie offered her hand to him, mumbling an apology as she brushed a lock of her hair behind her ear.

All he did was slowly place his hand in hers delicately, his periwinkle eyes still on her face.

Keefe had been standing across the street, carrying a bag full of instant ramen that would last him the next month.

He watched as Sophie stood awkwardly holding the boy's hand as he stared at her with stars in his eyes.

Keefe sighed and shook his head before he continued to walk home.

He always wondered how Dex even managed to met a girl.

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