Chapter 10 |Irresistible|

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In no time, they were up high, watching the people in the fair, the light summer breeze brushing their faces.

From up here, Sophie could see the full view of the city. Their little village area. The downtown, lights twinkling in the distance.

She turned her head to look at Keefe beside her. His eyes were half lidded, though a small smile adorned his face.

That little movement had caused the entire cart (I don't know what they are) to move.

Keefe shifted his gaze to her. "What?"

Sophie shrugged. "This is weird."

"Weird how?"

She shrugged again, feeling her face heat. "I don't usually hang out with guys."

He chuckled. "I figured." He paused, then slid closer to her. "Still, tell me more about yourself."

Sophie blinked at him in surprise, feeling like she should move away but found herself enjoying his warmth. "Okay."

"My parents went missing when I was six," Sophie began, her voice hushed, as if she were scared someone would hear. "They still haven't found them, but ever since then I've been going to school and living with a random family until they got pregnant and I had to leave. Then I met Alden, and he set me up to meet some friends of his who were looking to adopt and I've been with them ever since."

Sophie paused, looking at Keefe. He sat patiently, his ice blue eyes watching her intently.

"I skipped middle school and had no friends all through high school except for this one girl..." Sophie cracked a smile at the memory of Marella.

(Keefe made a point to remember every detail of her face in those few seconds.)

"...then I got accepted at Foxfire University and Alden made me come here because it was closer and..."

"He wanted you to meet us," Keefe finished for her.

"Yeah," she blushed, and rubbed the back of her neck sheepishly. "I was rambling. I—"

"But I asked you for it, didn't I?" Keefe interrupted, grinning.

"I guess so," Sophie agreed. She cleared her throat. "I's your turn."

Keefe seemed surprised, but he hid it with a smirk. "I would love to, Ms. F, but it looks like our ride is over."

Sophie looked up. They were on the ground. Fitz waved, grinning.

Keefe took her hand again and helped her down. "You'll have to wait till next time."

Sophie let out a laugh under her breath. "Who said there would be a next time?"

"Oh, please," he whispered in her ear. "You find me irresistible."

"In your dreams."

He hummed. "Indeed."

Does anyone have any animes to recommend to me? I'll get along to watching them eventually.

P.S. what kind of job do you think Fitz would have in our world? I need an idea but...ah, I can't think of anything.

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