Chapter 9

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I stare at Mark's letter in disbelief. Was it true that I was in a coma? If so, why can't I remember anything? I re-read the letter over once, twice, and even a third time to be sure my eyes weren't deceiving me.

I was actually in a coma. Or at least that's what the letter states. I rack my brain for answers, memories, anything, but came up with nothing. Why couldn't I remember anything from this accident that I was in?

Because I am blocking them from you. I sigh unhappily. The voice was back.

"And why are you blocking them from me?"

You're not ready to see it yet.

"What do you mean I'm not ready yet? Of course I'm ready damn it!"

No, you really aren't. You are emotional unstable.

"B-but I only have three days." I whimper.

Technically two since it's almost midnight.

"How do you know that?"

I have my ways.

"Can I please have my memory of the accident back?" I plead one last time.

Nope. And for as long as I have this memory, you will never wake up. I gasp shooting off of the bed.

"You bastard! Why do you want me to stay here? I want to go back! Give me my memory back!!"

Ah, Seán. So naive to see that your friends truly do not care about you. When will you open your eyes and see the truth, hmm? They. Don't. Care.

"Fuck off ya prick! I know you're lying!"

Alright... If you think I'm lying, so be it. But don't say I didn't warn you. Have fun here.

"Fun? How can I have fun, dumbass." I mutter, digging out another letter. I instantly recoil, dropping the letter. My vision blurs a little as I fall backwards onto the bed.

"Jack?!" I could hear Mark's voice drift through the walls of this prison.

"Mark!" I whisper shout, hoping he could hear me as well. But he didn't. I cough, wincing at the pain.

"Mark...I'm right here.." I whisper, my eyes closing slowly. I was in so much pain right now that it was painful to even try to breathe. And what was killing me the most was I could hear Mark but he couldn't hear me.

And just like the pain started, it stops. Nor could I hear Mark's voice anymore. But despite all that, a new letter just appeared in the box. This time it wasn't from my friends, it was from someone else. Someone that I didn't know. I skim over it real quick. No, it wasn't anyone that I know, instead it was from a fan. One of my fans.

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