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So.. Um.. Kinda got tagged in 13 questions by DippedinCheese so let's just get started Lol.

- Must display rules
- Must come up with an interesting title
- Must come up with 13 questions
- Must tag 13 people
- Tag backs ARE ALLOWED (oh no..)


1.) Do you hate me?
No, why would I hate you? You can ask my friends, I don't hate anybody really.

2.) Should I get some friends?
Dude, that's completely up to you. I'm just a stupid 17 year old girl who sits behind a screen writing fanfics that you guys want me to write and video chatting with people. *shrugs* that question is completely up to you

3.) Referring back to question 2, if I asked if you would be my friend, would you say yes?
Of course!! I love meeting new people and if you need a friend than I am here!! We are all family here :)

4.) Should I start asking some real questions?
Naaaaaaaaaahhhh it's okay!! I like these questions!! XD

5.) Okay what are some of your fandoms?
I think you guys already know.....

6.) What are some things that you've accomplished and are proud of?
Oh goodness, where do I start? I was a volunteer for the Special Olympics volleyball. That experience has opened my eyes a lot. These "special" people are just so happy about everything. They are also some of the coolest people I know. They really are. I wish I could be like them honestly, happy all the time. I had fun. We went all the way to state (Disney World). Another thing, wouldn't really call it an accomplishment but it's something I'm proud of, and that's you guys. I am proud of each and every single one. Of you guys. You think that I don't read your comments but I do. I really do. It makes me happy to see you guys being so nice with each other and joke around. This is why I refer to us as a family. Because you guys accept each other and you remind me of a big happy family. This is what I love about our community. We are all just one big happy family. We are there for each other with open arms and I couldn't ask for better people than you guys. That is something I am proud of.

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