Chapter 2

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He didn't have a funeral just a small memorial service. It was still equally sad.

I maintained being strong through almost the whole service, until they played a short video. I feel the pain and agony of losing one of my best friends build up as I watch the short video that someone had made.

There was a short clip, perhaps ten to fifteen seconds long, that killed me the most. It was of him and I laughing and acting like fools during our face swaps.

A tear trails down my face. I feel like such an idiot for crying in public and I know Mark wouldn't want me to get all upset over his death, but I couldn't help it. My best friend was gone. Gone for good and there was nothing I could do to change it.


After the memorial service, most of the people that attended, went straight to the nearest restaurant for lunch. I wasn't one of those people. I wanted to go home, to leave this place forever and never come back.

"Jack!" A familiar Swedish voice calls out. I froze and slowly turn around.

"What do you want Felix?" I ask wearily. Felix stops in front of me, holding out a small box. Now this box, was about the size of a shoe box. It looks really heavy but was really light when I took the box out of Felix's hands.

"I know that this isn't the time or the place to give this to you but I don't know when I'll see you again so this was the only way." He says, running his fingers through his blonde hair.

"What is it?" I mutter trying to open it. Felix's hand shoots out, instantly closing the lid back up. All I could see before he closed it was paper. Lots and lots of paper.

"Uhm.... It's best if you read those when you're alone. Trust me." Confused and upset, I do what I do best, shrug it off.

"Oh... Okay Felix, thanks." Felix nods.

"If you need anything, just give me a call bro. I'm here for you." A small smile plasters itself on my face.

"Thanks Felix, I'll remember that."


The whole walk back to the hotel was eating me up inside. The mystery that lies within the box was killing me. But I didn't look, never peeked. I was taking Felix's advice to heart and didn't look inside the box until I got to the hotel.

I sat down on the bed, preparing myself emotional for whatever lies inside. My hands hover over the box's lid and I hesitate. As much as I want to know what was waiting for me inside, I had a very bad feeling that it was going to tear me apart.

I take a deep breath. I had to do this, I needed to see what was in the box. I grab the lid and yank it off.

What felt like thousands of papers were stacked neatly inside. The first square little sheet made tears well up in my eyes. Very familiar handwriting had scribbled words on the paper.


Take your time. We are waiting for you out here, so whenever you're ready to wake up, we will be here. Stay strong Jackaboy, just know that we are here for you.

~Mark, Bob, Wade, Felix, and Ken

Tears blur my vision. What was going on? Felix. I grab my phone and head to Kik. I stare in shocked, all of my "contacts" were gone. More tears roll down my face.

I put the box aside, get up and tug on the door. It doesn't budge. My mind starts to panic. What the hell is going on?

Confused and scared as hell, I head back over to where the box of letters were. I take the small piece of paper and put it aside. The first letter was in Mark's handwriting.

I really didn't want to do this, but I wanted to figure out what was going on. I'm hoping that within these letters, there will be answers to all of my questions. I sit down on the bed and begin reading the first letter.

I'm sorry that this story is fast paced. This is suppose to be a semi-short story, or that's how I believe it will be. Anyways, can anybody guess what's going on? *face palms* of course they know what's going on, Kat! You practically gave them what this whole story may be about. They're not stupid!

Well if you think you know what's going on, don't be afraid to comment what you think is going on.

Hugs for everyone! HUGGGGS FORR DAYYS!!



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