The Begining of the End...

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Despite it being only 6 in the evening the air held a biting cold that seemed to wrap itself inside your very core. The clouds had  settled in for the night and the previously glorious sunshine that once dappled the mountain side had been all but put out.  The town was quite below me and seemed to be coated in a blanket of fog. My mind wondered back to memories I held of this place from when I was child.  The town always seemed to buzz with life- especially in winter, bright lights would create a warm gold glow. I would scamper around this town at night, wrapped up warm in my ski suit. My parents clasping a gloved hand each, twirling me in time with the music. The snowy mountain scape feeling like the safest place on earth.
I shut my eyes suddenly wiping away the single tear that slipped down my cheek. I never thought anything bad could happen here. We thought we would be together, always. How could we have been so foolish?
I turned back inside the dark cabin, all life has been sucked out of it now. I trudge up the stairs wearily. we couldn't stay here any longer- it wasn't safe. I stop in the door way of my parents room and closed the door. Making my way up the hallway to the only light coming from inside the house, I pause, how would I tell her? She's lost everything and I didn't want to be the one to snatch away her innocence.

Upon noticing me she smiled. Her pale skin glowed in the light as she held out her hand towards me. I walked over and held it gently in mine and for the first time I saw her. Her bright blue eyes seemed to sparkle, they seemed as deep as oceans. She reached out a small hand and placed it on my cheek, her blonde hair fell over her eyes as she did so.
"Don't cry" cry she whispered.
I smiled a week smile, " do you have everything Dora?" I asked. Scanning the room for any signs she forgot anything.
She nodded and I scooped her up in my arms. She was only 7, she did didn't deserve this.
I carried her out to the car and strapped her in before returning back to collect the few merger positions we were able to carry with us. I paused at the front door, giving it one last look. We would never come back here.

I caught my reflection in the window as I turned to leave. My dark eyes glimmered with un shed tears and seemed to reflect the emptiness I felt inside. My tan skin almost looked pale in the moonlight. 
I quickly turned on my heals without a second glance. Pulling my Raven hair out of my eyes as the wind whipped up around me.

As we hit the main highway Dora finally spoke, I though she had been asleep by now. "Hope?" She questioned, a quick glance in my rear view mirror succeed in breaking my heart as I saw the utter bewilderment she was expercing. "Yes honey?" I replied trying my best to seem upbeat- it fell flat.
"Where are we going?"
"Denver" I replied
Seeing as that was the biggest city near us it seemed like a good idea to stop there, just until we had our bearings. The next few minutes continued with silence as I tried to focus on the road and clear my mind of everything else.
"Will mummy and daddy be there?" She asked
I paused taken aback, "no sweetie they won't be."
After a few minutes of no reply I turned in my seat to see a sleeping Dora.
Her full name was Pandora, my parents never explained their reasoning behind our unusual  names. They didn't explain a lot. The one thing I know is that I have to get to Denver. There is answers there. Maybe I could expalin their deaths? Maybe I could find out who we really are? The more I think about it the less our lives make sense. Dora and I look nothing alike and now I think of it I have no memories of my mother ever being pregnant. An uneasy feeling settles in my stomach as I think back to all the times my parents dodged my questions and how they always told me to have a bag packed just incase.Maybe that's normal? I've never left that sleepy little town till now so how would I know if it wasn't? I once heard of my fathers friends in Denver. I had been young at the time but think if it comes to it we could seek refuge with them in Denver. So in my mind Denver seemed the best option.

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