The silver haired lady

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I was led into a room almost identical to my cell. Except in here instead of a bed was a single chair.  And the light actually worked in here. A mirror took up most of one wall, I assumed it was only one way. So they could keep an eye on me. The guards left without a second glance and I began wondering if those voices were right. Was I better off just giving up? I was pulled from my dark thoughts when the door opened with a whine causing me to cringe.
In the door way stood an elderly lady. Her tanned skin was weathered and leathery. Her silver hair fell to her waist in elegant waves.  She gave me a warm smile. It was like she had forgotten that I was prisoner. The white uniform she wore was pressed carefully. It was new. She smelled like clean. How long has it been since I washed? I honestly had no idea but from my reflection in the mirrored window to my right I assumed a large amount of time had passed.  My hair was matted and greasy. My lips were chapped and dark circles hung under my once bright eyes. My cheeks were hollow and sunken. I had aged at least 10 years. One look at me and you could tell they had succeeded in dowsing  any fire that still burnt inside me.  I could only hang my head in shame.

"Oh darling, don't look so sad. Your so important! you and your sister are the chosen ones." At the mention of Dora my head sprang up. "Please tell me she's ok. Please." I cried.
"She will be if you cooperate" she said. Her voice was gravely, she  clearly smoked a deck a day.
I nodded eagerly, to weak to find words to confirm my cooperation.
"Good." She smiled. " your probably wondering who I am. Well I am DR. Read." She stated.
"How did you find us?" Ignoring her overly friendly introduction.
She laughed, it was light and melodic. I could almost imagine her being care free when she laughed. "Well that is a rather amusing tale." She said, smiling, as if it was one of her fondest memories. "Once you had driven Hunter away it was necessary for Prometheus to replace him. Until then they had been very shush shush about where you were. However they were completely unaware we had succeeded in infiltrating their organisation. You see it had been necessary after you and your little dare devil boyfriend tried to run over our people." She bit glaring at me. In a heartbeat her smile returned as she continued. "All it took was for our mole to find out who was replacing him. Of course Lucy was the predictable choice and we probably could have guessed that. Anyhow all it took was for us to intercept her car as she drove down to you. You know for a trained killer she was surprisingly easy to subdue. Maybe she wanted you to be caught?" She said in a questioning tone as she smoothed out the non existent wrinkles in her uniform. "Now that's a enough chatting. Down to what we need from you." She circled the chair, inspecting me. I saw her reflection give a nod to the people standing behind the mirror. In an instant a boy, not older than me came in to strap me down. I recognised him as the boy  from the motel we stayed in the night before we were attacked by the horsemen. The first time Hunter and I had shared a bed. "You." I breathed. He merely shot me a glare as he strapped in my arms and feet. I didn't bother fighting. I needed Dora to be safe.
"Right. Now your all secure we are going to need you to remain calm and still as we take some blood." I looked at her confused before my eyes flicked to the door as an odd looking machine was wheeled in by the same boy that had just strapped me in. "You may feel a slight pinch" the grey haired women said as the boy dug the sharp needle into my arm.
"Why do you need my blood?" I asked feeling slightly dazed as I watched streams of blood being pumped out my body.
"Oh my this is precious. You don't know?" She laughed "I'm assuming you know what you and your sister are?"
I nodded, "the cure and the disease."
She applauded "so the little damsel does know something." She mocked. "Well as I'm sure your aware, after the incident in the park, Dora is able to release the disease under stress. We figured that out pretty fast after one of our people just happened to be out of range and saw the whole thing." She paused, probably thinking about the people they lost. I coughed lightly trying to pull her from her thoughts. She shook her head and glanced back up at me. "Of course we assumed after that you were the cure. For  a long time we were confused about how to release it though. I mean stress clearly hadn't  been a trigger. However our mole managed to discover some records within the Prometheus base. They stated that by drinking your blood the drinker would become immune to the disease. This meant retrieving both of you unarmed was essential. Your friend Lucy helped with the last bit of the puzzle. She revealed that to drink the cure before the disease was released would be fatal. Oh don't worry, it took a lot of prying to get that out of her. She didn't give it up easy." She smiled. Crouching infront of me. My eyes began to grow heavy. How much blood did they need? "Sweet dreams darling." She whispered stroking my cheek and my grip on reality fell away.

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