Epilogue - The begining

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The Prometheus compound  was dismal, I had been assured that under normal circumstances it was  full of life.  But for now the whole area and everyone of its residents had been engulfed into mourning, but today was worse. The music that normal played through the building was silent. The sound of laughter couldn't be heard.  Just the steady toll of the church bell could be heard ringing out in the distance.
Today was Lucy funeral.
It's  unusual for a lower ranking member of Prometheus to have an individual funeral but given her sacrifice under such testing circumstances  an exception was made.
The general memorial for all the fallen soldiers happened a few days ago, although we didn't have any bodies.
We won't have a body for Lucy either.
If I thought the guilt I felt for the death of my parents was bad,  it's nothing compared to the guilt I feel knowing the blood of hundreds of soldiers is on my hands.

I shake my head removing the thought before I have time to dwell.  Today is about Lucy, not me.

The door to my room opened with a creak, Hunter. I don't even have to turn round, the smell of mint flows through the room. Instantly calming me.
"You ready?" He asks, his voice shaking, betraying him.

It's been a week since I woke up. Hunter hasn't really left my side since. I  think he is scared that if he closes his eyes I'll disappear again.  He sleeps fitfully next to me every night. The guilt of losing Lucy is to much for him. Every night he begs her not to do it. He tells her he can save both of us. Every night he screams. It breaks my heart.

Dora is different too. What we've been through  has changed her. She so much stronger, the little girl I used to know is gone but I'm not sure if that's a bad thing, anymore. She's always shone so bright that it makes sense that she would only take the last 6 months or so in her stride. She has been under going training to control the disease so she can control when it leaks and how far. I haven't seen much of her recently, I think she is struggling with her own Guilt too.

"Yeah I'm ready." I say letting out a sigh. I gave my self one last glance before turning to leave.
The black dress hugged my body. Showing every curve. My long brown hair was tied in a a French plait. The colour had returned to my cheeks and I  had managed to regain my full figure. I looked like me again and I knew I owed all this to Prometheus, to the sacrifice they made for Dora and I, and most importantly to Lucy.  I owed her my life.

Hunter took my hand and led me down a long winding stair case.
"After this we are going away. " he said squeezing my hand. I knew it was more to himself, he needed something to get him through today. I smiled up at him anyway, "I can't wait."
We aren't going to run. We are just going to live a normal life far away from the memory of our past. The three of us are going to finally be together, without the fear of looming danger that has followed me all my life. Don't get me wrong we know that we shall never really be safe, not while the horsemen are out there. But for now we can enjoy the comfort that comes from knowing that Prometheus have succeeded in thoroughly depleting their numbers.  After everything that's happened it's more than I could have ever have asked for.

"I love you, Hope."  He said quietly as we approached the congregation of people. His green eyes boring into mine, a familiar  softness tinting them.
"I love you too."

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