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It was 1 am and I knew I should pull over and stop. My eyes were growing heavy but I couldn't stop- not yet. We weren't safe. Plus I was scared what I would see when I closed my eyes, I doubted sleep would come.
I keep replaying it in my mind, over and over. God it makes me sick.

I had dropped off Dora at karate and was on my way home. although I was dreading it as I had stacks of works as midterms were coming up soon.  So I had decided to walk. I just had to keep reminding myslef that I only had one more year of high school left and then I could do as I pleased as I trudged up my drive way. Although I had- have no clue what that is. It all seems so insignificant now.
I had no sense of dread, I had no warning of the hell that was waiting for me. They say that we have a sixth sense. That we can sense when something bad is going to happen. Like when there is a tsunami all the animals run inland. I didn't feel that, ignorance really is bliss.
I strolled in calling out that I was back as I throw my bag down in the hall way. I strolled Into the kitchen, the appealing smell of home cooked food calling  to me. The kitchen was empty so I began to search the house hoping for my parents. It was unlike them to not be home now.
That's when I saw them. Their cream bedroom walls painted red. I saw my mother first, lying on her front starring with lifeless eyes off into the distance. Blood still pooling around her.  I was pulled from the horror by a loud wailing sound but my eyes remained transfixed on her motionless form. It took me a moment to long to realise that sound was me.  I crouched down beside her, pounding on her back, screaming at her, begging, pleading with her. My pleas fell on deaf ears. I pulled away from her, my blood soaked hands leaving a trail around the room  as I groped the walls in a desperate attempt to support myself.  I found him in my behind their bed, blood coving their once white duvet. A large chunk of his scull missing. His finger nails had been removed. I couldn't take it anymore I doubled over, grabbing hold of the dresser. Knocking the pictures off, smashing all over the floor. Tears were flowing freely now as I dry heaved repeatedly before emptying the contents of my stomach out. I don't know how long I was there. Time had no meaning. I was living in my personal hell. I managed to gather myself enough to think through the next few steps that I knew were necessary.
Composed isn't the word, I had built a wall just strong enough to get me through this, just until we were out of Wyoming.  I had to make sure Dora was safe, I thought as darted out to the car. I had to protect her from this hell.

The road before  me began to turn a vibrant pink. The sun was beginning  to rise. I had no idea how long I had been driving but it seemed like years. I saw the sign post for Denver and made a sharp turn in order to catch it in time. Dora still wasn't awake and for that I was thankful, I still hadn't figured how to tell her.
The streets of Denver were quite which surprised me. It was a Tuesday, people should be leaving for work soon.  The idea of being around a swarm of people began to make me feel a little unnerved  so I pulled into the first motel I saw. 
As I walked in the lady behind the counter eyed me, If she noticed anything off about me she didn't say anything. She gave me a warm smile and under any other circumstances I may have been tempted to ask her out. She was pretty. But these weren't normal circumstances. I carried the bags and Dora upstairs to our room. I tucked her into our queen size bed and lay down next to her,  stroking her hair gently until I finally drifted off into a fitful sleep.

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