Would you ever kill?

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We set off bright and early the next day. Dora sat in the back seat watching videos on my phone. While I sat in the passenger seat. Hunter was a skilled drive navigating the roads with ease. When he noticed me staring at him he gave me a little smirk. "Where are we heading then captain?" I chuckled. "Well that's up to you princess." He beamed back. I rolled my eyes at him. Dora sniggered from the back of the car.
"How about Texas?" I pondered. Hunter shot me a look as if I was insane "of all the places?"
"What's wrong with Texas?"
"You could go to anywhere in the world. London. Paris.Berlin."
"There's lots of people there" I pointed out "plus Texas is nothing like home." We were quite for a moment, all consumed by our thoughts before Hunter spoke.
"Texas it is" he chuckled obviously trying to kill the building awkwardness.  " it's handy that Prometheus has a little safe house that's completely off the grid there that  we can stay in. Although they have several in every state."
He gave me a little smile as we sped off down the highway.  A song blared through the radio. I didn't know that artist but the words seemed to fit. It was like it was written for me.
"Would you live for them? Would you die for them? Would you ever kill?" The voice sang, while the words were sad the upbeat tune of the music that backed the mans voice created a nice contrast. I closed my eyes and leaned back in my chair, Humming along happily.
The song faded out and a series of other songs play through. It occurs to me just how out of touch with life I was in the mountains.
I'm thrown forward and out of my thoughts as Hunter hits the breaks sharply. I slam back in my seat causing me to cough as the seatbelt kicks in. "What the hell?" I ask my voice fading out as I see the scene in front of me. The road is full of people, people dressed in white. A sickness takes over my body. I spin round to see Dora staring wide eyed  in front of us, she's  shaking.
Hunter sees it too, "Dora I need you to stay calm if you try to repeat what you did in the park you will kill me too." He says giving me a nervous glance. I reach behind me and take her hand rubbing it gently. "It's going to be ok" I say smiling at her.My heart is  hammering in my chest. I thought we had got rid of them? How did they find us? We were so careful.

"What are we going to do?" I said, searching his face for any sign that he had a plan. He cracked a smile and looked at me, "do you trust me?" He asked. I nodded, did I have any choice?  The people in white had joined hands and were walking towards us now. They seemed to be unarmed but I could see a convey of jeeps forming behind us.
Before I had time to even think about what was happening Hunter had hit the accelerator.  He was heading straight for them. "Stop" I screamed. He throw his head back laughing not letting up on the speed.  We were rapidly approaching them. I squeezed Dora's hand  tight and grabbed the handle above my door frame. I closed my eyes, readying  myself  for the impact.
I peaked my eyes open when I heard Hunter laughing next to me. "Fucking cowards." He laughed "they all dived out the fucking way." He was crying with laughter at this point.  "Hunterrrrr!" I dragged out
"What princess?" He said still chuckling
"Behind us!" The convey was rapidly approaching us.
"SHIT!" He yelled hitting the steering wheel with his hand.
He reached into his glove box and pulled a glock and passed it to me.
"Can you shoot?" He yelled over the roar of the engine as he pushed the cars to its limit.
I couldn't. But there's no time like the present. 
He eyes me suspiciously. I undid my window and loaded the gun. Shooting at the tires of the car trying to get it off the road.  Fuck. I keep missing. The recoil keeps jolting me back. In the movies this looks a lot easier.
"Yes" I screamed as I hit their front tire causing the car to swerve off the road.
"So you've never fired a gun before?" Hunter asked already knowing the answer.
"I'm a quick learner." I stated taking aim at the next car that had appeared behind us. I shot it a few times in the wind screen but it kept coming. I started firing rapidly and it veered into a ditch. But the jeeps just kept coming.
Hunter suddenly swerved causing me to miss my new target. I was thrown forward in my seat again as we came into impact with something. I span in my seat to see one of the horseman's cars driving off the road and flipping in front of us. It's tail lights smashed in. The hood of our bonnet seemed pretty smashed up too.
"Fuck sake. I liked this car" he yelled- a little pride in his voice. "But I've always wanted to do that."
After a glance in his rear view mirror he let out a long breath. "Fuck this. I'm bored now."
He lent into the driver door and produced a larger sized gun.
"This is my baby" he said "it's a desert eagle." He declared winking at me and kissing the gun as he pulled the car into a hand break turn. Breaking suddenly. Our car was now pulled over both lanes, blocking both directions of traffic.
He fired carelessly but seemed to be hitting his targets. I wonder how long he had been preparing for this? What did his job entail exactly?  Two more cars swerved off the road. One crashing into the tree and immediately catching fire.
"Holy shit that was awesome" I yelled throwing my hands in the air. Adrenalin still coursing through my body. Hunter just laughed. His whole body seemed to vibrate with the motion as Dora clapped from the back. We Sped away not looking back.
After a few minutes I turned to Hunter, "why didn't they shoot?"
"Your their only hope of finding the disease and the cure. Plus I imagine they didn't want to set off Dora again, what ever the fuck she can do we have no idea how powerful it is." I nodded
"well it was still fucking awesome." I chuckled and he nodded in agreement, smiling.

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