Girl Meets Lucas

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Maya's POV
"Hey Riley!" I turn around to see Ranger Rick standing before us. "Hi Lucas!" Riley and I say in unison. Before we can say anything else the bell rings and we have to go to Matthews' class now.
Matthews is basically just ranting about the French and Indian war. Riley is sitting next to me just staring at Huckleberry. You know I have- "Ms. Hart what do you think?" "What?" I say snapping out of my thoughts. The bell rings and I bolt out of the classroom.
         "Peaches do you still like him?" Riley asked in a soft voice. "Ummmm-" before I could say anything else a see Huckleberry walking towards us. "Guys we need to make a decision." He says approaching us. I see Riley light up whenever she sees him. Why don't I get that way?

Does Maya really like Lucas? I dunno I guess you have to find out in the next chapter......or not!??!

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