Girl Meets Missy Bradford

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Maya's POV
I walk into school and go to my locker. "Hey Riles!" "Peaches!" We link arms and make our way to Mr. Matthews class. Before we walk in I see a familiar face sitting in Riley's spot. I stratal my body in front of the door way blocking her from seeing anything. "Hey Maya! What are you doing!?!" Riley yells struggling to push me out of the way. Meanwhile I'm trying to hang for my dear life. Lord knows what Riley is capable of doing to Missy Bradford. "Move!" She finally pushes me out of the way. I fall into Smackle's desk and Riley doesn't look to happy. Her eyes are popping out of her head. Where's Lucas when ya need him!? "Oh, Hi Riley! How are you?" Riley fake smiles and at this point she is mad. "What are you doing in my seat?" She asks just then Lucas walks in and walks back out. "Oh, hi Lucas!" Missy says getting all perked up. "Um hi." Lucas says. "You can go to the back their with Brenda if you wanna avoid death!" I whisper yell to Missy. "Oh please what could the klutz do to me?" Missy says hysterically laughing. Riley reached out for the desk and Lucas throws her over his shoulder. "Ok then. I'm just gonna move to the back with ugly hair." Missy says getting out of Riley's seat. The last bell rings and Lucas brings Riley back in. "Are you calm now, Riles?" He asks. "I'm calm." She says sitting her spot. This was gonna be a long day.
After last period I go to my locker to grab my bag. "I really like her though." I hear a familiar voice say. "Yeah, but Charlie, Riley is dating, Lucas." "Whatever. I think Missy Bradford likes Lucas. I think I'm gonna go talk to her. Later Brandon." Wait that can't happen. I have to be near Riley at all times. And I have to keep her and Lucas together. Starting now.
What do you think will happen next. Sorry it's so late but I couldn't sleep so I just started writing. Hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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